Virtualization Technology News and Information
New Products Showing Up in the Virtualization Arena

Virtinium enters the virtualization arena with a few products of their own up their sleeve.  The company is focused on creating products that extend and enhance the management of virtualization technologies.  They have announced two products, Nirvana VSAN and VM Manager.  Both of these products are described below:

VM Manager

This is a web based operation management component to allow access to VMware Virtual Maschine management from any web browser even small form factor devices.


  • Virtual machine management from power on to power off
  • Edit properties of virtual machines
  • Check performance statistics

The Nirvana VSAN Solution:

It is a robust SAN Appliance that will stimulate your virtual Environment with 1.6TB SAN space with Virtual Machine Management included.

The Nirvana VSAN will provide you Virtual SAN LUNS to your Applications whether they be Physical or Virtual regardless of OS Platform: Windows, UNIX, Linux or MAC.  The Nirvana VSAN includes the Virtini Virtual Management Suite which provides Security and Business continuity for your Virtual Machines hosted on VMware, Microsoft and XEN.  All this packed inside a 1U Appliance.


  • Run Virtual Machine DISK Files directly from the Nirvana VSAN
  • Virtual SAN LUN presented to VMware Servers, Microsoft Virtual Server and XEN Servers any OS that supports disk storage
  • Provides disk access over iSCSI and Fibre Channel simultaneously
  • Create Point in Time snapshots of running virtual machines and physical servers without reboot
  • Create virtual machine syncing of file and registry changes across multiple physical and virtual targets
  • Create system freeze points for developers and application testing in virtual machines
  • Advanced failover and asynchronous mirroring for SAN appliances
  • Entry unit 1U 1.6TB Max unit 3U 12TB can stripe across multiple units
  • Starting entry level MSRP at $21,000 with bundled management suite

To learn more about the company, visit their web site, here.

To download the VM Manager product, go here.

To view a Nirvana VSAN presentation slide show, go here.


Published Monday, June 26, 2006 12:40 PM by David Marshall
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<June 2006>