DataCore Software today announced that its virtualization technology is a critical part of the virtualization infrastructure at next generation, Japanese hosting vendor IMJ Networks/Tailback Inc. This success has been documented in a recently published case study and solution brief by Intel that features the role of DataCore, VMware and IBM titled "Virtualization Technology Drives Next Generation Hosting" which is available at
"The benefits of going virtual are real in terms of both operational benefits and cost savings as well as in the ability to deliver even better customer service," said Toshihiro Yamada, CEO of IMJ Networks Inc. "We turned to DataCore to add value and flexibility through its storage virtualization technology. DataCore adds performance acceleration, which means better responsiveness and enterprise class high-availability features to storage. By doing so, we have succeeded in delivering the highest levels of reliability and better responsiveness to our users. On top of this, we can scale the system and the maintenance work can be undertaken without stopping the service. This uptime means we don't lose any business."
IMJ Networks Inc., the new name for Tailback Inc., is a web-hosting company that has embraced virtualization through its use of both VMware and DataCore. Providing an infrastructure service for mission critical web applications through a service named GrowServer, IMJ Networks makes use of virtualization technology to keep costs low and lead times short. With extensive experience in operating large-scale web services in the industry, the company provides a highly reliable infrastructure for the web content distribution businesses of its customers. For IMJ Networks, storage virtualization as well as server virtualization technology adds value by improving business agility.
By flexibly allocating servers and storage when needed, IMJ Networks is now better able to respond quickly to fluctuations in customer demand. The company has also reduced the number of physical servers, which has reduced the incidence of faults, thereby improving total service reliability. The core of the service consists of IBM eServer xSeries 366 that use four Intel® Xeon® Processor MP per server. The flexible infrastructure is hardware independent by design and utilizes two types of virtualization middleware software to manage the complex. These are VMware ESX for servers and SANmelody from DataCore Software for storage.
Server virtualization technology adds value for IMJ Networks in terms of enabling the enterprise to consolidate several virtual servers onto a single physical server and provides the infrastructure whereby virtual servers can be setup within a few days. Virtualization technology has enabled IMJ Networks to reduce the total number of physical servers by housing over 30 virtual servers within each physical server, thus bringing a significant return on investment (ROI) improvement by making effective use of available resources. The company intends to scale up to 1,000 virtual servers by 2007.
Commented George Teixeira, president and CEO of DataCore Software, "DataCore has thousands of virtual SAN deployments around the world. We have found from many of the users who have chosen to adopt virtual infrastructures that once they made use of virtual server technologies -- such as deploying VMware or Microsoft virtual servers, or they deployed DataCore software for storage virtualization -- that they became champions for the need to further virtualize their IT environments. Cost savings, hardware independence, better resource utilization as well as greater productivity and faster response to change were the main reasons cited to explain why many customers such as IMJ Networks have decided to further extend and scale their virtualization deployments once they start them."