Virtualization Technology News and Information
SWsoft Develops HSPcomplete 3.3 Beta

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Server virtualization and automation software company, SWsoft, has developed HSPcomplete 3, scheduled for release to market in July 2006. New features contain over 100 new capabilities that are built into a more modular and scalable architecture.

According to the company, integration with the latest Virtuozzo, Plesk, and SiteBuilder releases continues to make HSPcomplete the best solution for managing a complete hosting infrastructure.

The addition of an SDK which contains examples of the new API makes HSPcomplete more expandable, and was used by SWsoft development to integrate several 3.3 release components, including the new PHP-based online store. HSPcomplete 3.3 provides additional flexibility through the addition of several pre-packaged plugins for payment gateways, domain registrars, domain registries, fraud checking systems, and helpdesk software. Selected manageability features include:

  • Column composer for managing control panel lists
  • Bulk domain registration through the online store
  • Plesk domain alias support
  • Move subscriptions between accounts to assist with moving customers
  • Customer cancellation request management
  • Add Virtuozzo for Windows templates via control panel
  • Advanced permission with ability to add multiple roles
Selected reseller features include:

  • Pre-defined reseller configurations
  • Reseller selection of domain registrar
Selected billing features include:

  • Reporting improvements
  • Billing for one-time fee items with no recurring charges
  • Mass-printing of PDF invoices
  • New anti-fraud filters
  • New payment gateways, domain registrars, and registries
Published Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:26 PM by David Marshall
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<June 2006>