Virtualization Technology News and Information
Thinstall removes barriers to application virtualization

InfoWorld reviews Thinstall's solution. With a score of Very Good and 8.0, InfoWorld's bottom line on the review is this: Thinstall is a robust, self-contained application virtualization solution that requires no client-side agents or supporting server infrastructure. Thinstall’s “clean” architecture makes it suitable to a wide range of deployment scenarios, including environments in which traditional agent-based products would be inappropriate. IT shops evaluating SoftGrid or SVS should also consider Thinstall.

They write:

Have you heard? Thin is “in” again. From VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure) to RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) to SVS (Software Virtualization Service), the ghosts of thin client computing are being resurrected like a scene out of “Field of Dreams.” Only this time they’re looking to ride the virtualization bandwagon and recapture some of their former glory.

But like specters of Ruth or DiMaggio, many of these solutions are stuck in the past, out of touch with the realities of today’s computing landscape. How fortuitous it is, then, that one of the pioneers of Windows application virtualization in the OEM space -- Thinstall -- decided to step up to the plate in the broader enterprise application deployment competition.

The timing couldn’t be better. With the market’s two major players (Altiris and Softricity) now acquired by venerable industry franchises (Symantec and Microsoft, respectively), there’s a real need for a small-town team with “everyman” appeal to shake up the league and keep the big guys innovating.

Read the entire review, here.

Published Thursday, February 22, 2007 5:56 PM by David Marshall
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<February 2007>