Virtualization Technology News and Information
LSU Health Sciences Center complete first phase of server virtualization
The LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans (LSUHSC-NO) has completed the first step of a virtual server environment that will help ensure access to critical patient, research and business data, even in the event of natural disasters.

LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans -- comprising schools of allied health professions, dentistry, graduate studies, medicine, nursing, and public health -- worked with Dell to develop a flexible, easy-to-implement and reliable IT infrastructure recovery plan that would allow operations to function, even if the main campus was disabled.

Dell, with VMware, Intel and EMC, proposed the creation of a virtual server infrastructure that allows LSUHSC-NO to run multiple applications and operating systems independently on a single server, creating an environment where IT administrators can quickly move workloads from one virtual workspace to another.

By April 2007, the center and its technology partners will complete the creation of a virtualized server environment comprised of Dell PowerEdge™ servers and Dell/EMC storage at its New Orleans facility and at the Louisiana Department of Public Safety in Baton Rouge. Once the project is complete, administrators can balance 1.5 terabytes of data between the two sites, giving the LSUHSC-NO staff the capability to quickly transfer and recover data in the event of a disaster.

“Each of our organizations creates and shares vast amounts of data. In order to ensure access to information, we must have a strong IT infrastructure specially designed to fit our needs,” said David Troendle, assistant vice chancellor of information technology at LSUHSC-NO.

“Creating the optimal data center with the perfect settings and configuration takes time and resources,” Troendle added. “With a virtual environment, we can bypass the laborious setup phase and construct a duplicate site in minutes.”

“Virtual server environments give organizations exceptional flexibility and scalability of IT resources,” said James Coffin, Dell’s vice president of health care. “This increase of overall efficiency will allow LSU Health Sciences Center to create backup systems that will help them prepare for potential disasters.”
Published Tuesday, February 27, 2007 6:02 AM by David Marshall
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<February 2007>