Virtualization Technology News and Information
New Turnkey Virtualization Solutions Combining VMware, DataCore and IBM
DataCore Software today announced that Lexington, Kentucky-based Software Information Systems (SIS) has selected DataCore Software’s SANmelody as a solution of choice for storage virtualization and SAN solutions that serve the SMB marketplace. Growing market need for hardware-independent virtual solutions and customer requirements for better utilization and consolidation of resources led SIS to round out its storage portfolio with solutions that come at an affordable price point. In adding DataCore alongside IBM and VMware, SIS has enhanced its products and services so as to best provide customers with a competitive advantage. 

SIS is a full service technology solutions provider that focuses on developing, sourcing, and implementing a wide range of cost-effective and innovative solutions for organizations of all types and sizes. Its business spans Consulting Services, Hardware Solutions, Software Solutions, Technical Services and Education.

“Clearly SIS recognizes the significance of virtualization,” said Jeff Propps, IBM System x Brand Manager & VMware Practice Manager, SIS. “The combination of VMware and DataCore fills out our portfolio with an excellent SMB storage virtualization solution. With SANmelody, SIS will be able to come into any business and deliver a full-featured SAN with advanced capabilities like automatic thin provisioning at an extremely low price point. “

SIS has created customizable packages to address their customers need for simple-to-use and flexible virtualization solutions. All of these packages include DataCore’s SANmelody virtual storage server software. The most comprehensive is a turnkey VMware VI3-DataCore-IBM bundled virtualization solution in which SIS has made it easy for less technically sophisticated users to enjoy the combined benefits of server and storage consolidation. These packages, which start under $50K, enable users to get the cost savings and productivity gains without enduring the hassles of being experts in integrating these technology pieces. Storage and server virtualization combined solutions are now available, and the SIS solution architects will leverage their experiences from working with hundreds of customers to help streamline customer decision process and assist them in understanding how best to maximize the advantages of these technologies. 

“SIS are subject matter experts and they are able to take all the guesswork out of ‘going virtual’ for their customers,” said Brooks Butler, Sales Director, DataCore Software. “We have in SIS a partner that provides comprehensive virtualization solutions and one that is able to simplify the complexity of the technology for the user. SIS knows how to do a real assessment of what customers need and they are able to deliver comprehensive turnkey solutions to meet tailored, customer needs.”

“SIS has a high level of expertise in virtualization,” said Carlos M. Carreras, Vice President of Sales & Business Development, DataCore Software. “Because of that SIS can help users achieve the cost savings and productivity advantages of virtualization painlessly. The packages SIS have created based on SANmelody open up the opportunity for smaller businesses to finally go virtual. This goes a long way to meeting real-world needs in the marketplace.”

At a high-level, the turnkey package built on DataCore and VMware does what the market would expect and addresses customers wanting to virtualize servers and storage. The significance of this really lies in the expertise of SIS itself with IBM, VMware and DataCore products, whereby SIS has already done the heavy-lifting of the design and integration work for the customer. SIS is first and foremost a company that provides full service consulting and implementation – encompassing both integration and installation. SIS is much more than just a reseller, they are experts in virtualization. Currently, the company has multiple experts trained in DataCore and VMware technology.

“SIS not only provides the entire solution and installs it, they can work with customers to assess their needs and optimize their buys based on their environment,” Brooks added. “Assessment and consulting are a large part of what SIS does and they have a large staff of capable people that do just that.”

Traveling Solution Center

The new SANmelody-based packages can be seen in SIS’ “executive conference room on wheels.” A Traveling Solution Center, which is just like it sounds – a customized tour bus on wheels – can go anywhere in the country and SIS consultants will demonstrate any SIS solution. Find out more:

The Central Ohio VMware User Group (COVUG) – July 19th and 20th

Don’t miss the bus! Join SIS and DataCore on July 19th and 20th in Sandusky, Ohio. COVUG will meet at the Kalahari Resorts ( for the group’s Summer Tech Days.

What does a luau, flaming bartenders, and a pig roast all have in common with server consolidation or virtual storage? That's how COVUG celebrates summer on the North Coast (Lake Erie). Rather than travel to Hawaii, we're bringing a virtual Hawaii to you.

Two days, one resort, one virtual great time. Register today at For hotel accommodations, the telephone number is 877-525-2427. Let them know you are attending the COVUG VMware Tech Days Conference.

Published Tuesday, July 10, 2007 10:28 PM by David Marshall
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<July 2007>