Need VHDMount but don’t need or want to install MSVS?
Dave Northey has been kind enough to document this process.
Installing VHD Mount
VHD Mount components are installed as part of Virtual Server default installation at
\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual Server\VHDMount.
To install only the VHD Mount components, use the Custom option in the
Virtual Server installer and clear all components except VHD Mount.
To perform an unattended installation of the VHD Mount components
Extract Virtual Server 2005 Install.msi from Setup.exe by typing the following command:
setup.exe /c /t <drive letter>:\<path to the .msi file>
For example, to extract “Virtual Server 2005 Install.msi” to c:\SetupFiles, type:
setup.exe /c /t c:\SetupFiles
Start an unattended installation of VHD Mount by typing the following command:
msiexec /i “Virtual Server 2005 Install.msi” /qn ADDLOCAL=VHDMount
Remember: VHDMount is case sensitive.
Thanks to for this information.