Virtualization Technology News and Information
VIDEO: Virtualization? Disk Arrays? Hitachi? Mr. T? What am I missing?

Ok, I had to pass this one along.  For those of you who were around watching television in the '80s, you probably remember the A-Team and Mr. T.  Well, now Mr. T says he's the "T" in IT, and he attempts to save the IT world from corporate zombies, a cold-hearted and very disturbing looking IT Consultant, and dumb disk arrays.  I think we have Hitachi to... err, thank for this one?  I'm not sure how well the marketing message goes over with people.  With messages like "Virtualization Belongs in the Network" and Intelligence is in the controller, and never the network... the message might be getting lost in the very strange casting, Mr. T's disheveled mohawk, or any one of the other insanely created images in this video. 

This is one of those, you have to see it to believe it kind of things.  So what exactly were they thinking? 

I'm left with the message, "tastes like chicken sucka!"... and I'm not sure that was the marketing intent.  You be the judge!


Published Sunday, July 15, 2007 3:58 PM by David Marshall
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Comments - Virtualization Information - (Author's Link) - August 4, 2007 2:29 PM

You Gotta Be Wise - So Virtualize! - So says Mr. T in yet another video brought to you by Hatachi Data Systems. If you watched the previous video where Mr. T saves the day from the evil consultant... this time, Mr. T teaches an evil executive and his

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<July 2007>