Virtualization Technology News and Information
SWsoft Virtuozzo Customers Highlight Green Potential of Virtualization
With escalating electric power costs and increasing pressure to reduce energy consumption, a growing number of service providers and IT organizations worldwide are using Virtuozzo virtualization software from SWsoft to reduce their use of electricity and “go green.”

"Virtuozzo delivers the highest density available in a virtualization solution, enabling hundreds of virtual environments on a single physical server, and so it offers the greatest potential for energy savings," said Serguei Beloussov, CEO of SWsoft. "By using Virtuozzo to achieve their green computing goals, hosting providers can significantly reduce their energy usage while also realizing greater efficiency in their datacenter." 

Several SWsoft customers are realizing the green potential of virtualization with Virtuozzo in significant ways:

  • ServInt Internet Services (, a leading hosting company based in the United States, estimates that their green efforts have produced a savings of as much as 85 percent in electricity usage for every hosted customer that transitions from a single physical server to a virtual server.
  • Host Europe (, a large hosting company based in Germany, estimates that their virtualized hosting customers use 63 percent less electric power.
  • ikoula (, a hosting company based in France, estimates they can save as much as 60 percent on electricity by moving customers from dedicated to virtualized servers. The reduced power consumption also means delaying additional infrastructure investment to provide more power or space.

"Going green is just smart business – for our customers and for us – because in addition to helping the environment, it helps the bottom line," said Christian Dawson, vice president of operations, ServInt Internet Services. "We are pleased with the energy reductions we've seen through virtualization and other initiatives and we think there are further energy and cost savings to be had by going green. Virtualization with SWsoft Virtuozzo is integral to achieving our long-term goals."

Hosting companies consume a large amount of computing resources, running data centers with thousands of servers to provide companies with web sites, hosted applications and software-as-a-service (SaaS). A 50,000-square-foot data center uses approximately 4 megawatts of power, the equivalent of 57 barrels of oil a day.

According to Gartner Research, energy costs could soon account for more than 50 percent of the total information technology budget for a typical data center.1

SWsoft Virtuozzo operating system virtualization software uses patented technology to create multiple, isolated virtual environments - or virtual private servers - on a single physical server and operating system, making the most efficient use of hardware, software and other resources. Each virtual environment has the same performance and functionality as a stand-alone server.

Published Thursday, August 09, 2007 10:57 PM by David Marshall
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<August 2007>