Virtualization Technology News and Information
How Can I Install VMware Server 1.0.4 on Ubuntu Linux?

How can I install VMware Server 1.0.4 on an Ubuntu Linux System?  As Ubuntu Linux gains in popularity, this questions gets asked more and more.  TechRepublic recently posted a really good step by step walkthrough on how to accomplish this. 

Yes, it is indeed possible to run VMware Server on a personal computer running the Ubuntu Linux operating system.  And Steven Warren has outlined the steps you need to take to make this configuration possible.  He writes:

As of late, my interest in Linux has been peaking, and I loaded VMware Server on a spare computer running Linux to do some testing. Performance is excellent, and I wanted to share with you the necessary steps required to load VMware Server on Ubuntu Linux.

This blog post is also available in PDF form in a TechRepublic download and also in the form of a TechRepublic gallery.

To effectively install VMware Server on Ubuntu Linux, you must first assign a password to the super user (su) by opening the Terminal from Applications | Accessories | Terminal

Check out his walkthrough of the install (complete with figures), here.

Published Thursday, October 18, 2007 5:43 AM by David Marshall
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<October 2007>