Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of The Many Faces of Virtualization: Understanding a New IT Reality to their offering.
Attracted by dazzling promises of dramatic reductions in the complexity and costs of infrastructures, user IT executives have made virtualization the hottest topic in many years.
All too frequently, the general concept of virtualization is equated with the specifics of server virtualization. That is because server virtualization or more precisely, mainframe virtualization has been a fixture of the IT landscape for decades. But virtualization can be applied to all IT resources from servers to storage to networks to desktops and is not one-size-fits-all.
As IT vendors move to cash in on the growing popularity of virtualization, they are touting a growing array of offerings to implement, facilitate, organize, mitigate, and/or manage various aspects of virtualization. Not surprisingly, while each vendor’s sales efforts are well-intentioned, the numerous approaches to virtualization and a cacophony of terms can leave users overwhelmed or confused.
Read this report to learn:
-How "Virtualization" includes and affects all of IT - much more than servers, networks and storage
-How Virtualization has changed from early mainframe days to state-of-the-art virtualized IT environments
-The management benefits and requirements of IT virtualization, and the resulting opportunities
Research Highlights:
-Virtualization poses a revenue threat to vendors of microprocessors, servers, Operating Systems, Middleware, and applications.
-Virtualization poses challenges in IT management which result in opportunities for vendors of IT management offerings.
-While all facets of IT Virtualization offerings will see enhancements in functionality and performance, the most significant enhancements will be in microprocessor, hypervisor, and operating system function for Server Virtualization.
-Through 2010, Server Virtualization will have the single largest impact on budgets for IT hardware and support. The second largest impact will be network virtualization.
-Through 2010, three vendors - Cisco, VMware, and XenSource (now Citrix) - will dominate IT Virtualization, accounting for 60 percent of all new virtualization deployments.
Content Outline:
IT Virtualization: Strategic Planning Positions (SPPs)
Introduction: Virtualization Needs Definition Why is Virtualization So Important?
IT Virtualization is Not a Free Lunch
Categorizing Virtualization Alternatives Server Virtualization
Application Virtualization
Hardware Virtualization
Presentation Virtualization
Desktop Virtualization
Storage Virtualization
Network Virtualization
User Impact: Managing Virtualization Executive Steps on the Virtualization Path
Vendor Impact: Managing Opportunity
Conclusion: Virtual Disruptions Improve Business
List of Figures and Sidebars:
Sidebar: Defining IT Virtualization
Figure 1: “Real” versus Virtualized IT Infrastructure Characteristics
Sidebar: Historical Perspective - Mainframe Virtualization
Sidebar: Mainframe Virtualization Today
Figure 2: Primary Uses and Representative Vendors
Figure 3: Key IT and Business Considerations of Virtualization
Figure 4: Key IT Management Challenges Posed by Server Virtualization
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