Holy absorption rate Batman, can this be true? Is Dell really planning on giving away VMware ESX Server 3i for free? Are they going to absorb the cost?
The virtualization community has been "discussing" VMware's pricing for its hypervisor technology for some time now. Once virtualization platforms started reaching the rock bottom price of "free" (VMware Server, Microsoft Virtual Server, Xen, etc), and then after Microsoft added to that by announcing that Hyper-V would be rolled into Microsoft Windows Server 2008, the discussion of VMware's ESX Server's pricing continued to get fueled.
Now the latest in this pricing battle, it sounds as though one hardware vendor is prepared to offer VMware ESX Server 3i for free when consumers purchase one of Dell's servers. According to a recent article at The Inquirer:
"IT APPEARS as if Dell will not be charging a premium for the inclusion of VMware’s ESX3i hypervisor with its PowerEdge servers.
Martin Niemer, senior product marketing manager at Vmware, said that Dell has said it won’t charge for inclusion of the 32MB integrated hypervisor on its server range."
Of course, this begs the question. If this is indeed the case, what happens with the other vendors who proudly came on stage at VMworld Europe in France to talk about their hardware and ESX Server 3i? Won't these vendors have to follow suit? HP, IBM and Fujitsu are all offering servers and/or blades with the hypervisor technology in them. They certainly can't afford to charge for something that Dell is giving away, can they? And if they can't, who can? Does that mean that 3i will become a free hypervisor technology?
And then forget about the hardware vendors. What does that do to all of the VARs and smaller resellers who are trying to make money from selling VMware's technology?