Virtualization Technology News and Information
Storage Virtualization with DataCore Software and WAN Optimization with Riverbed Helps Organizations Realize Huge Improvements in Both Throughput and Data Transfer for Remote Sites
DataCore Software, the leading provider of storage virtualization, business continuity and disaster recovery software solutions, today spotlighted the combined benefits of DataCore’s storage virtualization with Riverbed’s optimization solutions. Working hand-in-hand with accredited partner Waterstons, the combined organizations have explored and demonstrated how the bottleneck of line capacity to remote and Disaster Recovery (DR) sites can be overcome without deploying high-speed, high-cost lines.   

Growth in virtual volume traffic from the Disaster Recovery site causes line capacity overload

Waterston’s noticed that as more organizations consolidated from physical to virtual servers, the inter-site traffic between the primary and DR site was growing so fast that the volume of updates from virtual machines exceeded the line’s transmission capabilities. This lag unacceptably exposed remote DR sites to data loss. An obvious solution was to upgrade to higher speed, higher capacity lines but this entails significant infrastructure overhaul and cost in recurring leased line rentals.  

Alternative solution – remote replication within DataCore’s SANmelody + compressing, caching and optimization by Riverbed Steelhead network appliances 

The IT consultants at Waterstons and DataCore devised an alternative solution through a combination of storage virtualization and WAN optimization. They employed the built-in remote replication function in DataCore SANmelody™ software to relay changes in virtual disk blocks from the primary site to the DR site over an existing 2MBps IP WAN. These inter-site transmissions were compressed, cached and optimized inline by inserting Riverbed Steelhead network appliances on either side of the link. The solution succeeded in meeting the firm’s disaster recovery objectives and proved much more cost-effective than upgrading to higher bandwidth service. 

The White Paper 

Access a full copy of the white paper to find out more, including:

  • How it works – remote replication via DataCore storage virtualization software
  • How WAN optimization from Riverbed Steelhead network appliances eliminates up to 98% of application roundtrips
  • Real-life scenario – a leading syndicate of salvage companies in the North of England verifies the Waterston solution
  • Test results & explanations

Customer Test Conclusions & ROI 

Through the live test analysis, Waterstons revealed that the combined solution can drop the time to remotely replicate three newly created VMs from 42 hours down to 3 hours, and reduce the ongoing replication window to four minutes – substantially improving the customers’ achievable Recovery Time Objective. The salvage company can now recover more than two day’s worth of data that may have been lost in their un-optimized configuration.

Furthermore, DataCore’s remote replication software allows customers to map snapshots of the remotely replicated volumes to the ESX hosts at the DR site to dramatically simplify and speed up recovery without painful back-ups and restores.  

Equally compelling is the cost savings afforded by these technologies. Compare the alternative average 2Mbps increased bandwidth combined rental and initial configuration of $33,500 – to upgrade the line by a factor of 2x – versus the total cost of the combined and DataCore/Riverbed solution of $25,500 – with an annual cost of $4,250 that improves the performance tenfold (10x).

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Published Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:01 PM by David Marshall
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<January 2009>