Virtualization Technology News and Information
Open Kernel Labs Fortifies Enterprise Mobility with SecureIT Mobile Enterprise
Open Kernel Labs (OK Labs), the leading provider of embedded virtualization software for smartphones, tablets, and other connected devices, today introduced SecureIT Mobile Enterprise, a software and services solution based on the company’s OKL4 Microvisor. The OK Labs solution enables the mobile/wireless ecosystem – device manufacturers (OEMs), mobile network operators (MNOs), integrators and enterprise IT – to build, acquire, and deploy wireless communications devices based on Android and other open operating systems (OSes) to support enterprise mobility. SecureIT Mobile Enterprise not only closes gaps in mobile security, it does so without compromising user privacy, limiting user choice or impacting the user experience.

Mobile workers around the world increasingly prefer to use their own smartphones, tablets, and other wireless devices for both work and personal communications and computing. This consumerization of enterprise IT, a natural consequence of smartphone and mobile applications growth, puts new pressures on corporations to accommodate and secure employee-owned mobile devices. Currently, enterprise IT looks to Mobile Device Management (MDM) and endpoint security technologies such as encryption and anti-virus (AV) software, to bolster enterprise mobility. These technologies are necessary and powerful, but leave critical requirements unmet. In particular, MDM and security rely on the integrity of the underlying smartphone OS and software stack, which are vulnerable to exploits. 

Moreover, logging user activity and auditing user content impinges upon personal privacy. Also, implementing enterprise security policy usually entails restrictions on freedom to fully use the capabilities of the device (e.g., blacklisting online destinations, curtailing application download and use). The unfortunate result is that employees continue to carry a second, personal device, leaving many benefits of enterprise mobility unrealized.

Deploying SecureIT Mobile Enterprise in a smartphone or tablet creates a software architecture with separate, isolated personal and enterprise domains on a single device. It meets employer requirements for security and employee needs for privacy and device functionality without the compromises that today limit enterprise mobility ROI.

SecureIT Mobile – Reinventing Enterprise Mobility

OK Labs SecureIT Mobile Enterprise uniquely builds on mobile virtualization to deliver both security and end user satisfaction.

“Effective enterprise mobility rests on three pillars: security, privacy, and freedom to fully use the capabilities of the device,” said Steve Subar, Founder and CEO, OK Labs. “By building on OKL4 virtualization, SecureIT Mobile Enterprise enables enterprise IT to deliver on all three – securing access to enterprise assets and services, ensuring user privacy and preserving intact smartphone user experience. All on a single off-the-shelf smartphone or tablet.”

Introducing OK Labs SecureIT Mobile Enterprise

Today’s smartphones and tablets run open OSes and software stacks that rival desktop PCs. Enterprise IT uses virtualization to secure desktops – OK Labs SecureIT Mobile Enterprise deploys OKL4, the industry-leading mobile virtualization platform, for secure enterprise mobility.

A software and services solution, SecureIT Mobile Enterprise helps companies deploy and manage enterprise applications and services alongside personal ones. Using OKL4 secure cells (virtual machines), SecureIT Mobile Enterprise isolates personal applications, services, and data from business-critical ones. 

Supporting both open personal and trusted enterprise domains on a single physical device, SecureIT Mobile Enterprise reconciles the needs of the individual and the enterprise.  


  • Preserves user privacy and freedom to fully use the capabilities of the device, enhancing enterprise mobility uptake and ROI
  • Keeps malware and other exploits from reaching enterprise applications and data, on the phone and upstream in the Cloud and data center
  • “Protects the Protectors,” keeping malware from degrading AV and MDM software
  • Valuable device and software capabilities remain available to boost worker productivity
  • Provides a security policy framework with OKL4 “capabilities,” offering fine-grained control over resource sharing and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that cross between domains

Availability – SecureIT Mobile Enterprise Product and White Paper

OK Labs SecureIT Mobile Enterprise is available today to help corporate IT, integrators, MNOs, and OEMs collaborate to build secure mobile communications devices for the enterprise. 

OK Labs is also offering a white paper exploring real-world requirements and solutions for secure enterprise mobility. Download it today at

Key Facts:

  • SecureIT Mobile Enterprise fortifies enterprise mobile security by isolating end user and corporate applications, data, and services
  • It preserves user privacy and freedom to fully use the capabilities of the device, enhancing enterprise mobility uptake and ROI
  • The solution enables enterprise IT to deploy “golden master” software on mobile devices, giving workers secure access to corporate data and services, without degrading the user experience
  • The OK Labs enterprise mobility solution complements MDM, AV, and encryption software, and also protects them from malware
  • In 2010, OK Labs launched SecureIT Mobile Government for national security, defense, and first responders; now, SecureIT Mobile Enterprise brings the same military-grade security to enterprise mobility

Both the SecureIT Mobile Enterprise product and a SecureIT Mobile Enterprise white paper are available today at:

Published Monday, February 14, 2011 6:19 AM by David Marshall
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<February 2011>