Virtualization Technology News and Information
Windows 7 patches break VMware View connection
VDI already has enough challenges to overcome before it can become as widely adopted as its more mature sibling, server virtualization.  But last week, another log may have been thrown on the virtual fire, perhaps validating some of the fears being faced by many IT administrators who are currently on the fence as to whether or not they should move forward with this type of desktop virtualization technology or not.

According to a VMware Knowledge Base article, VMware said there had been a conflict with two security bulletins issued for Windows 7, causing disruptions for VMware's View Client and creating connection failures for users attempting to access the View Client Server.

VMware quickly traced the issue down to two specific Microsoft Patches: 2482017 (a cumulative security update for Internet Explorer), and 2467023 (an update to address an issue with the handling of system binaries in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 systems).  Both of these updates were released as part of Microsoft's Patch Tuesday last week, and the problem affected both 32- and 64-bit versions of Microsoft's latest Windows 7 operating system running VMware View.

VMware responded to the issue, posting an advisory on its Knowledge Base, giving users two options to move past the problem: 


Read the rest of this InfoWorld Virtualization Report article.

Published Monday, February 14, 2011 5:41 AM by David Marshall
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<February 2011>