What do Virtualization and Cloud executives think about 2012? Find out in this VMblog.com series exclusive.
Top Four predictions for Big Data in the Cloud in 2012
Article by Russ Kennedy, VP Product Strategy, Marketing & Customer Solutions, Cleversafe
As big data continues to grow even bigger in 2012, we expect
four key trends to impact cloud storage deployments:
1. Exabyte-Scale Storage Is on the Horizon
It's not unrealistic to think
that companies will be looking for storage solutions that can accommodate 10 exabytes
of data in this decade. Defense and intelligence, public safety, energy and
online media all rely on high-resolution satellite imagery, tools and expertise
to support missions around the world. Today those needs reach one terabyte at
minimum use capacity each day. In order to meet strict compliance guidelines
for patient care and ensure the integrity of medical records, the health care
industry makes an average of three copies of data for most patients, including
medical imaging. That information needs to be readily available and securely
retained. The huge volumes of
unstructured data now being generated both by and about individuals will lead
more organizations in 2012 to think about what exabyte-scale storage will mean
for the current infrastructures and future storage investments.
These organizations will confront the fact that traditional
storage solutions are bound to fail when challenged to store the massive
amounts of data being generated in today's enterprise environments. Reliability
and integrity issues encountered at large scale (exabytes and beyond) require a
new approach.
Big Data
Security and Reliability Continue to be Primary Concerns in Cloud Storage
about the reliability, security, and accessibility of data in the cloud have
slowed the adoption of cloud storage for big data. The prospect of storing big data in the cloud
raises some big questions in the minds of CIOs and storage administrators:
I don't have visibility into the cloud, how is
my data protected?
Can others see my data if we are sharing the
same hardware?
With internet accessible storage, how is the
system preventing malicious attacks?
How do I know SLAs will be delivered and I won't
experience downtime?
Can I move my data easily?
These concerns won't go away in 2012, but the potential
benefits of cloud storage will compel more organizations to look for solutions
that address security and reliability of data in the cloud. We expect more businesses to consider
approaches such as dispersed storage that represent a paradigm shift from
traditional storage and effectively address security and reliability
Cloud Gains Acceptance as a Viable Solution for Big Data Disaster Recovery
According to recent analyst
surveys, disaster recovery has become one of the top use cases for Cloud
storage. Many businesses have begun
using the Cloud as part of their disaster recovery strategy, and we expect that
trend to continue into 2012. Cloud
storage offers the potential to safeguard big data and dramatically reduce
restoration time, while minimizing the overall expense and management aspects
of disaster recovery.
Cloud storage can be both advantageous and more
cost-effective for disaster recovery than local storage. Two of the key
advantages of cloud storage include recovery times and multi-site availability,
ensuring that a business's data is not lost, compromised or unavailable. Cloud storage can provide these advantages
because of its inherent scalability, elasticity and rapid deployment. Furthermore, cloud storage supports the
ability to dynamically fine tune the cost and performance of the disaster
recovery plan according to business criticality of the application. To deliver on all the requirements of
disaster recovery in a cost-effective manner, businesses will begin to look
more closely at cloud-based solutions.
4. RAID is Officially Dead
Current data storage systems
based on RAID arrays were not designed to scale to the level of data growth
mentioned above. As a result, the cost
of RAID-based storage systems increases as the total amount of data storage
increases, and data protection degrades resulting in permanent digital asset
loss. With the capacity of storage
devices today, RAID-based systems cannot protect data from loss. Most IT organizations using RAID for big data
storage incur additional costs to copy their data two or three
times to protect it from inevitable data loss.
In 2012, forward-thinking IT executives will begin making a strategic
shift to information dispersal to realize greater data protection as well as
substantial cost savings for digital content storage.
About the Author
Russ Kennedy brings
more than 20 years of experience in the storage industry to Cleversafe as the
company's Vice President of Product Strategy, Marketing & Customer
Solutions. Having rolled up his sleeves working on automated tape libraries, Russ
is still attracted to the technological challenges that have shaped the
industry and particularly to the innovative approach that Cleversafe delivers
to storage.
Previously, Russ
served as the Vice President of Competitive Intelligence at CA Technologies,
and was the Senior Director of Engineering and Product Management at Thin
Identity Corporation.
has an MBA from the University of Colorado at Denver and a bachelor's degree in
Computer Science from Colorado State University.