Virtualization Technology News and Information
OnX Unveils HP Cloud Center Of Excellence At New York Headquarters

OnX Enterprise Solutions, a leading global enterprise data center IT Solutions Provider, unveiled its Hewlett-Packard (HP) Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE), within the OnX Federated Cloud Center of Excellence (FCCE) at their US headquarters in New York City last week. In 2011, OnX was recognized for the second time as the HP Software & Solutions Partner of the Year for its leadership in delivering HP-based solutions.

“The opening of OnX's Cloud Center of Excellence in NYC will provide clients an excellent opportunity to directly experience the benefits of cloud, such as accelerated service delivery and operational efficiency,” said Kevin Hooper, Vice President, Emerging Growth Accounts, HP. “The center showcases HP's cloud solutions and OnX's consulting services, demonstrating the business transformation potential that cloud can deliver to customers.”

The OnX FCCE allows clients to validate new systems designs and demonstrate how real-world solution workloads can be accommodated in a Federated Cloud computing model. With extensive expertise in IT systems architecture, system integration, application development, managed services, and data management assessments, OnX can optimize clients’ virtualization and cloud strategies. These capabilities include a strategic Global CTO office, which helps clients understand the benefits of the HP CI-MM (Converged Infrastructure Maturity Model) and the OnX Federated Cloud Maturity Model (FCCM).

OnX also provides a suite of Software Advisory Services which allow clients to understand software licensing for cloud-based deployments and demonstrates how to optimize their license spend to allocate resources more strategically.

“OnX has made tremendous investments in our services portfolio to help clients understand and quantify the business impact of their data management strategy”, said Mike Cardy, OnX Global CTO. “Offering the HP CCoE within our facility is just one more way we make it easy for our clients to assess technology in a vendor-neutral environment.” OnX hosted clients in the FCCE last week to review the capabilities and benefits of the HP Cloud System Matrix and Cloud Service Automation software.


Published Thursday, February 02, 2012 4:57 PM by David Marshall
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<February 2012>