Virtualization Technology News and Information
Liquidware Labs Virtualization Expert Ricky El-Qasem Named Among the Top 100 Industry Bloggers

Liquidware Labs, the leader in desktop transformation solutions, today announced that Northern EMEA Technical Director Ricky El-Qasem has been selected as one of the top 100 bloggers in the virtualization industry and fourth among all virtual desktop infrastructure bloggers. The poll was conducted by vSphere-land, a website managed by industry expert Eric Siebert.

During the voting process, nearly 200 bloggers received votes from 1,200 poll participants. For the complete listing, visit the vSphere-land website.

Articles by El-Qasem can be viewed at his Virtualize Planet blog site. In addition to providing expert insight, he also developed the vSphere Plugin Wizard and vDisk Informer and has accreditations from VMware, Citrix, Microsoft and RedHat.

El-Qasem, who has more than 19 years of experience in the tech industry, joined Liquidware Labs from Veeam Software where he was Director of Global Education Services. In this role, he helped onboard partners in northern EMEA, authored several key whitepapers, formed the education services team, and designed and managed development of Veeam's ProPartner accreditation program.

"Ricky's selection among the top bloggers by those in the virtualization industry demonstrates the valuable expertise he provides- and we appreciate his recent contributions to our desktop virtualization knowledge base," said Liquidware Labs CEO David Bieneman. "Since Ricky joined our company last year, he has played a key role in further evangelizing our desktop transformation methodology and ensuring the virtualization community understands the value we bring to VDI environments. Ricky and our other experts continue to play a major role in helping us gain further recognition as one of the key innovators and leading vendors that proactively addresses VDI challenges."

Published Tuesday, March 06, 2012 7:36 AM by David Marshall
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<March 2012>