Net Optics, Inc., the leading provider of Intelligent Access and Monitoring
Architecture, today announced the release of a landmark advance of its popular
Indigo Pro management solution. Indigo Pro now extends sophisticated new
capabilities even farther into the virtual and physical environments, and
supports advanced user authentication features, including LDAP and TACACS+.
As traffic spirals, today's networks deploy an architecture of dozens -- or
sometimes hundreds -- of appliances, including physical Taps, Phantom
Virtualization Taps and Phantom HD appliances, data monitoring switches,
and network controller switches. Indigo Pro 3.0 offers a centralized solution
for managing, configuring and monitoring these devices. The solution unites the
management of hardware and software Taps into one stable and sustainable
platform, providing IT with unprecedented levels of streamlined, responsive and
coordinated functionality.
Indigo Pro 3.0 expands support to encompass Xen, VMware and other major
hypervisors, allowing precise, efficient device management across the entire
network. In addition, Indigo Pro 3.0 offers a High Availability (HA) cross-form
configuration (e.g., physical-physical; virtual-physical, and physical-virtual).
Along with these enhancements, Indigo Pro 3.0 features the choice of MySQL
database or PostgreSQL, with the ability to seamlessly transition between the
two. The upgrade also delivers superior administration capabilities for Net
Optics xBalancer(TM), iBypass(TM) and third-party devices.
Indigo Pro 3.0 makes network administration and management easier and more
precise than ever before, sharpening network visibility and security threat
management. Robust, comprehensive and flexible, Indigo Pro remains the industry
standard for managing wired and virtual devices and easing the customization of
network configuration.