Virtualization Technology News and Information
Watch for Live Coverage of VMworld 2012 from VMblog and SolarWinds
We're counting down the days until the kickoff of the world's largest virtualization and cloud event, VMworld 2012 in San Francisco. Ready or not, it's almost here!

And once again, I'm excited to be at the show... this is one of those must see events if you live in the virtualization world.  So VMblog is proud to announce that we will be providing live coverage of the event. We've been working hard behind the scenes to prepare for the show. And this year, we've received some help along the way to make things happen. A special thank you goes out to SolarWinds for sponsoring VMblog's live coverage of VMworld 2012.

For those of you online, you'll find SolarWinds on VMblog's event page. But VMworld attendees will also see SolarWinds all over the place at the show!

In the Solutions Exchange (on the showfloor), you'll be able to find SolarWinds experts throughout the week in booth #1701 along with their partner, Acronis. Make sure you go by their booth to get your hands on some of that SolarWinds schwag and grab some of their infamous IT buttons and stickers that everyone loves.

SolarWinds is also partnering with VMblog to host this year's first ever vMixer party that will take place at the Palace Hotel on Monday night from 5:30PM to 10PM. Space is limited, so please make sure that you RSVP in order to get in. We'll have free beer, wine and hors d'oeuvres. To RSVP for the party and to find out more information, click here:

You can also keep up with some of the more important sessions with live coverage on the VMworld 2012 Events Page, where you'll also get updates from SolarWinds bloggers Robbie Wright and Mike Thompson.

And finally, make sure you also check out the SolarWinds contests taking place during VMworld where you could win some really great prizes including an Alienware laptop or a Scooter!
Anyone can enter to win the Alienware laptop by simply Tweeting with the '@SolarWinds' handle AND the '#VMworld' hashtag. Make sure that you write something worthy of a RETWEET because SolarWinds will be drawing the winner from the top 10 people with the MOST RETWEETS!  Click here for more details.

VMworld attendees can win the scooter by visiting SolarWinds at the Acronis booth (booth #1701) in the Solutions Exchange, take a picture with the scooter, and then Tweet that picture with the '@SolarWinds' handle and the '#VMworld' and '#acronis' hashtags. The winner of this contest will be drawn at random. For official contest rules, you can check out this post ( on the SolarWinds' Thwack Community.

This year's show is expected to be huge and filled with valuable information!  And we hope to see you at some point along the way.  Get ready San Francisco!  We're coming.
Published Thursday, August 16, 2012 6:37 AM by David Marshall
Comments - Virtualization Technology News and Information for Everyone - (Author's Link) - August 19, 2012 4:54 PM

Attending VMworld 2012 in San Francisco next week? Make sure to check out what SolarWinds is doing at the show.

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<August 2012>