Virtualization Technology News and Information
Message Bus 2013 Predictions: More and more critical business functions move to the cloud

VMblog Predictions

Virtualization and Cloud executives share their predictions for 2013.  Read them in this series exclusive.

Contributed article by Jeremy LaTrasse, CEO and Co-Founder of Message Bus and Co-Founder of Twitter

More and more critical business functions move to the cloud

Enterprises gun-shy to offload critical business functions like email and infrastructure are doing a double take at the cost savings the cloud provides. 2013 will see more and more enterprise organizations moving critical business functions to the cloud because of efficiency and redundancy and to reduce CAPEX. To be more specific:

1      Large organizations are going to take a deep breath and walk their Outlook and Domino servers out to pasture. It's going to be Old Yeller, and there will be tears flooding the streets. I wouldn't get too emotional, the liberation of IT resources to service other business needs like security, building internal systems and working closer with engineering to create products and infrastructure will lessen the blow.

2      Brave new cloud computing companies will create more and more specific point solutions to better scale and optimize business functions such as email, infrastructure, etc. This is the paradigmatic shift of this relatively new decade. When Salesforce took CRM into the cloud, it was shocking and maybe even a little off putting but I don't know a single organization that doesn't leverage some form of cloud-based CRM or marketing automation. There are stalwarts everywhere, but progress will not be slowed by fear.

3      Just as Google has convinced numerous companies to move their corporate email to the cloud, a handful of companies are working to move large scale email deployments to the cloud. Several companies have deployed cloud-washed email solutions that are based on dedicated hardware with an API frontend. This approach, leveraging dedicated hardware with a 'cloud wrapper', may appear to leverage the scalability of the cloud but it falls short in keeping pace with growth and possible demand because of the physical limitations of the hardware that underpin these types of solutions. Only a cloud-native approach that isn't fundamentally tied to land based, dedicated hardware can scale infinitely and meet the demand of organizations with customer bases in the tens of millions that foresee delivering billions of messages. The future is in providing capacity to meet the growing interactivity of platforms, devices and networks all fueled and driven by email - a technology that is decades old and needs a facelift.

4      We'll see more and more companies grow weary of maintaining the staff necessary to fight the massive forest fires caused by poor mailing practices or the glut of knowledge surrounding how to achieve trust in messaging. These problems will be solved with a cloud-native approach that ends the catapult slinging of emails. The cloud makes it easier to listen and provides visionary companies with the tools to build sophisticated and intelligent platforms to enable communication across an array of channels thereby delivering on the one to one conversation that every large organization is desperately trying to have with every one of their customers.

When you look at the ROI associated with marketing email and the cost savings of transactional email, you can't help but feel this is the very flagstone of all digital communication channels.


About the Author 

Jeremy LaTrasse, CEO and Co-Founder of Message Bus and Co-Founder of Twitter

Jeremy plays a crucial dual role in shaping the business and technical direction of Message Bus, a pioneer of cloud-based infrastructure for email, mobile and social messaging. He has been working with technology companies for the past 17 years. He has extensive experience in planning and building cloud-based infrastructure as well as day to day technical operations. Most recently, he was part of the founding team of Twitter and the Director of Operations where he led the team that built the social network. He is currently an advisor at Square and an investor of, SightGlass Coffee and Webshots. 

Published Thursday, January 03, 2013 6:56 AM by David Marshall
Comments - Virtualization Technology News and Information for Everyone - (Author's Link) - January 15, 2013 6:59 AM

First, I'd like to personally thank everyone for being a valued member and reader of VMblog! Once again, with the help of each of you, VMblog has been able to remain one of the oldest and most successful virtualization and cloud news sites on the Web

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<January 2013>