Virtualization Technology News and Information
Silver Peak CTO Says Virtualization Driving Shift in IT Department Roles

Silver Peak Systems today released the second in a six-part video series that features Silver Peak founder and CTO, David Hughes, looking ahead into the key information technology (IT) trends for 2013. In this video, Hughes looks at how virtualization is driving shifts in the roles of IT.

Hughes underscores how the growth of virtualization will shift responsibilities within IT departments in the near future, and how today, it is already driving organizations to reconsider functions of certain roles.

“You can already see it happening today where functions that were once the sole domain of a network admin are becoming part of the virtual administrator or virtual system manager’s role,” says Hughes.

Hughes goes on to say there is going to be a degree of cross-training as well a “blurring of the boundaries that exist between silos” pointing to the network, application and storage silos most companies employ today.

Due to the shift in roles and blurring of functional boundaries, Hughes also provides IT professionals with advice for preparing their careers in light of these changes.

Each video in the series examines areas of IT and networking that Hughes feels will be accentuated during the coming year. The first video in the series featured Hughes’ thoughts on the hype and reality of software defined networking (SDN).


Published Thursday, January 24, 2013 5:45 PM by David Marshall
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<January 2013>