Virtualization Technology News and Information
CloudBolt Software Announced First Production Customer Using Advanced Nicira Network Virtualization by VMware in Conjunction with Public Cloud

CloudBolt Software, Inc. today announces that Cutting Edge CA is making use of CloudBolt’s unique ability to cohesively manage virtualization environments, public cloud resources, and Nicira network virtualization by VMware (Nicira Network Virtualization Platform, or Nicira NVP). Cutting Edge CA will be using CloudBolt C2 to field and manage public cloud resources and virtualized networks in the Verizon Terremark and Amazon EC2 environments. CloudBolt will also be used in Cutting Edge CA’s internal datacenter to manage those resources and networks in coordination with those in the public cloud. This advanced architecture will form the basis for Cutting Edge’s product capability known as NetAbstraction (NetA).

CloudBolt Software announced CloudBolt C2 v3.5 with its unique advanced integration with VMware Nicira network virtualization on 19 January 2013. Cutting Edge CA represents a new breed of CloudBolt customers that are leveraging CloudBolt C2’s advanced management capabilities to transparently manage numerous virtual instances across multiple different internal and external cloud environments. Using C2’s full chargeback capabilities, Cutting Edge CA has the ability to scale their service environment as demand increases while having full accounting of end customer usage and associated costs.

“NetA provides groundbreaking capabilities that are possible only because CloudBolt C2 can seamlessly manage the network virtualization provided by VMware Nicira Network Virtualization across multiple environments,” says Barbara Hunt, Co-Founder and CTO of Cutting Edge CA. “By combining the flexibility of the public cloud with the power of network virtualization, we dramatically alter the way our customers access Internet-based resources in ways that were just not possible before. NetA can be provided either as a service, or for larger customers may be deployed in their environment. Either way, when NetA is utilized, it secures network traffic, ensures the anonymity of our customer’s Internet access. NetA makes it virtually impossible for providers to attribute traffic to any one particular source. Integrating the advanced network virtualization, virtualization and public cloud management capabilities of CloudBolt C2 make the fielding of NetA possible.”

“By selecting CloudBolt C2, Cutting Edge CA validates CloudBolt’s leadership and ability to fully unite the IT environment management and provide complete visibility into resource utilization,” says John Menkart, CloudBolt CEO. “When Cutting Edge CA approached us with their advanced use case combining server virtualization, Amazon Web Services EC2 and Verizon Terremark public cloud resources, in coordination with Nicira network virtualization and server virtualization, we were impressed by their solution, and were uniquely able to manage this range resources and environments. Another key capability Cutting Edge required was resource and network usage tracking to enable them to charge customers based on their utilization. We are pleased that CloudBolt C2 is an embedded component of NetA and to be part of this valuable product service.”

Published Thursday, February 07, 2013 6:17 PM by David Marshall
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<February 2013>