Virtualization Technology News and Information
How to Backup a Citrix Environment in 5 Minutes with PHD Virtual

Can you fully deploy a backup solution for your Citrix environment in 5 minutes? Listen to PHD Virtual explain how to backup a Citrix environment using a Virtual Backup Appliance and how it is cheaper than traditional methods. We will deliver a live demonstration that shows you how quick and hassle free this process can actually be. In this special webinar, Citrix Administrators will learn:

•  Benefits for use in a Citrix XenServer v6.1 and v6.0 environment
•  Benefits of TrueDeDupe and TrueRestore technology
•  How to backup Citrix without incurring additional hardware and software costs
•  How integration with Citrix XenCenter simplifies your backups
•  How to scale effectively as your Citrix XenServer environment grows
•  Via a live demo - exactly how to fully deploy PHD Virtual in a Citrix environment in 5 minutes – yes, the stop watch will be running
•  How to get value in your environment for FREE

Speakers: Craig Ellrod (Senior Technical Marketing Manager, Citrix Systems) and James West (Sales Engineering Manager, PHD Virtual)

Date and Time: February 20th, 2013, 10:00am to 11:00am PST

Click here to signup for this Webinar.

Published Tuesday, February 12, 2013 7:19 AM by David Marshall
Filed under:
Brad Dickinson | How to Backup a Citrix Environment in 5 Minutes with PHD Virtual - (Author's Link) - February 12, 2013 4:29 PM
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<February 2013>