Virtualization Technology News and Information
HOBLink JWT: The Advanced RDP Client for Remote Access to Windows Remote Desktop Server

Remote access to Windows Server with Remote Desktop Services (Windows Remote Desktop Server) is not new – There are many clients that enable this remote access. With HOBLink JWT, HOB offers a hardened client that can do much more than RDP remote access. Especially as regards security, adaptability and flexibility, HOBLink JWT leaves nothing to be desired – for IT administrators as well as users. You can also download a free e-Paper from HOB on this subject.

Security: A Must for Remote Access

Encrypted data transfer is now standard. HOBLink JWT provides you more security mechanisms, some of which are unique. IT administrators can, for example, exactly determine which local drives, directories or sub-directories are available in the remote session. Solutions here often work after the principle “all or nothing.” For certificate-based authentication, HOBLink JWT also supports Smartcard Redirection.

The A and Z: Easy Integration in Existing IT Infrastructure

As HOBLink JWT is purely software-based, it can be easily integrated into existing IT infrastructures, e.g., environments of third-party manufacturers such as appliances or cloud portals. Remote access is had with the fast RDP protocol over a Java-capable browser. Administrator rights or installation on the client are not needed – no matter if the operating system is Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. And, the most various platforms are accessible – Windows Remote Desktop Server, Desktop PCs or virtual systems, optionally Macs or Unix/Linux systems can be remotely accessed.

Intuitive Operability Reduces Stress Level – for IT Administrators and Users

With IT administrators HOBLink JWT scores with central administration, configuration and management. HOBLink JWT is delivered with a default configuration which often doesn’t need to be modified. Thanks to the “zero touch client” principle, the individual access devices need not be touched – A big advantage when not all these devices are centrally located.

HOBLink JWT pleases users with an intuitively operable GUI. The user simply opens an Internet browser, enters the defined URL and authenticates himself. Now he has quick and easy access to the desired enterprise data. The HOB Load Balancing mechanism spreads the load of all sessions evenly over the available resources. Users profit from a performant and extremely stable connection. With the integrated Wake-on-LAN, the target PC can be remotely activated in the event it was switched off.

Published Wednesday, February 20, 2013 6:43 PM by David Marshall
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<February 2013>