Virtualization Technology News and Information
CloudByte Announces Integration with OpenStack Block Storage Cinder

CloudByte, the first company to guarantee quality of service (QoS) to every application from a shared storage platform, announced today the integration with OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder). As part of its OpenStack integration efforts, the company has developed a driver for the Cinder framework that enables service providers to provision QoS-aware CloudByte storage volumes right from OpenStack clients and API.

CloudByte also announced its participation in the OpenStack Spring Summit, taking place on April 15-18 in Portland. Felix Xavier, CloudByte's founder and CTO, will be demonstrating the OpenStack integration on April 16 at 4:40 p.m. local time in Hall B at the Oregon Convention Center.

"The development of the ElastiStor driver for OpenStack is an important milestone for us as we integrate deeper with the open source computing platform," said Felix Xavier. "This integration follows our recent VMware and Citrix certifications and development of the vCenter plugin, reinforcing our commitment to easily integrate our storage solutions within cloud service providers' ecosystems. Unlike legacy storage solutions, ElastiStor is architected for today's cloud environments and allows cloud service providers to host performance-sensitive applications without creating any dedicated storage silos."

Service providers using the OpenStack platform can now create, snapshot and manage CloudByte storage volumes using Cinder API or the OpenStack Horizon client. Each of these volumes can be configured in terms of capacity and IOPS. With CloudByte's on-demand performance, OpenStack customers can now build solutions that compete effectively with Amazon EBS.
Published Monday, April 15, 2013 6:43 PM by David Marshall
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<April 2013>