Virtualization Technology News and Information
Amazon Cloud Consumers Mature As Cloudyn Doubles Its Customer Base In Six Months, But Most Can Still Realize Greater Efficiency

Cloudyn together with The Big Data Group has released the latest AWS customer optimization data, reinforcing the positive growth trend expected for the year ahead.

"We set out to evaluate whether the projected 2013 ‘year of cloud optimization' is on course and discovered that we are well into the public cloud adoption life cycle. In 2011 and 2012 the conversation centred around how and when to move to the cloud. Now it is all about companies looking for efficiencies and cost controls," commented David Feinleib, Managing Director of The Big Data Group.

The study, based on over 450 selected AWS and Cloudyn customers, highlights a more mature approach to cloud deployments reflected by a deeper understanding of where inefficiencies lurk and how to optimize them. EC2 makes up for 62% of total AWS spend, with more than 50% of customers now using Reserved Instances in their deployment mix. However, On-Demand pricing remains the top choice for most, accounting for 71% of EC2 spend. Even for customers using reservations, there is still opportunity for further efficiency.

For example, Cloudyn's Unused Reservation Detector has assisted customers in finding a startling 24% of unused reservations. These can be recycled by relocating matching On-Demand instances to the availability zone of the unused reservation.

There is also a shift away from large instance types to medium, where two medium instances cost the same as one large, but can produce 30% more output. However, with the low 8-9% utilization rates of the popular instance types, there is certainly more work to be done on the road to cloud optimization.

"The numbers and behavior patterns speak for themselves. Customers are increasingly more savvy about their deployments as demonstrated in the financial investments made in optimization. Sales of Cloudyn's Premium service has increased 8-fold since its launch less than three months ago," commented Sharon Wagner, CEO of Cloudyn.

Join Cloudyn and The Big Data Group webinar on May 1, 2013 at 9:00 am PT to hear more about how CIOs and IT managers can shape up their AWS deployment.

Published Monday, April 29, 2013 10:30 AM by David Marshall
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Amazon Cloud Consumers Mature As Cloudyn Doubles Its Customer Base In Six Months, But Most Can Still Realize Greater Efficiency - Telapprise - (Author's Link) - May 17, 2013 1:50 AM
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<April 2013>