Virtualization Technology News and Information
Want to Revitalize Your Business? Get Your Head in the 'Cloud'

Having your head in the clouds isn't such a bad thing anymore — if you're a business owner and are considering cloud computing to modify and simplify your operations.

The Cloud allows a business to access the Internet anywhere and anytime, with the ability to maintain your company operations, files and data, wherever you may be. In addition to having your data stored on your PC or Mac, it is also stored through hosted services on the Internet.

Cloud computing has become so popular and useful, it's safe to say you have been using even if you haven't yet implemented it into your business operations. If you are using email, have a Facebook account in which you post photos, or use the Internet to access online document software, then you've already experienced cloud computing.

So, why not get your business up to speed? Here are some advantages to using cloud computing as a tool for your business:

Flexibility & Security

With cloud computing, all of your important and sensitive business information is secured automatically on a remote Web server, with no manual backups needed. This also allows you to access your information your Smartphone or laptop when out of the office, as well.

IT infrastructures are managed automatically, according to Secure Servers, and files that you share with business partners or clients can be moved freely on the server. Secure Servers states that security of your information has a number of anti-theft systems in place, such as Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, Firewall, web blocker, Protocol Blocker and Anti-phishing, among others.

With use of new business credit cards in cloud computing, Computer World and the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council provide a payment card data security framework that assists with security issues. It helps new business owners using cloud computing learn more about protecting them and their consumers from identity or financial fraud and theft.

Being Green Can Save You Green(backs)

Most computers today are built to be as energy efficient as possible, reducing the use of electricity as much as possible. With the use of cloud computing, you can be more energy efficiency and reduce your electricity costs that much more. Bright Hub explains that along with using a remote web server, as a business owner can avoid the use of infrastructure that would otherwise pump out more carbon emissions used to cool of the now archaic hardware. It could also reduce your monthly costs for maintaining your own hardware.

Adjusting Faster to Industry Changes

The ebb and flow of business can change rapidly. Having up-to-date information easily accessible and having everyone within your business on the same page is critical to maximizing revenue.

By using cloud computing, you can access online tools that can keep your business flowing with the times. With, for example, you can build a virtual front office and provide your employees to be productive on multiple devices other than their desk PC.

By creating new apps through, you can access needed information and provide information to your employees wherever you are. It provides you with the ability to create personalized reports to each department and individual, if needed. Approve a discount, generate a quote or route a service call, all through

Published Thursday, July 11, 2013 7:36 AM by David Marshall
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Want to Revitalize Your Business? Get Your Head in the 'Cloud' - Telapprise - (Author's Link) - July 24, 2013 4:02 AM
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<July 2013>