Virtualization Technology News and Information
Q&A: Interview with PagerDuty Talking IT Resource Monitoring and Integration with Zenoss
I recently had a conversation with a company called PagerDuty after they told me about their latest integration work with Zenoss, a company that provides IT management for virtualization and cloud environments.  Zenoss offers an extensible management product by providing third-parties with its plug-in architecture, which PagerDuty is taking advantage of to provide some really interesting additions such as on-call scheduling, alerts and incident tracking.  To get a better understanding, I spoke with Alex Solomon, co-founder and CEO of PagerDuty.

VMblog:  PagerDuty recently announced its integration with Zenoss 4. First, can you tell readers a little about PagerDuty and Zenoss?

Alex Solomon:  PagerDuty is the 9-1-1 dispatch for IT. As the leading centralized dispatch center for IT monitoring tools, we provide on-call scheduling, reliable alerting and incident management for critical IT issues. Zenoss is a leading commercial and open-source IT monitoring solution used by enterprise IT management for legacy, virtual and cloud monitoring. PagerDuty extends Zenoss' service by letting users customize how they want to be notified of Zenoss events. With the integration, users can control how and when each team member is alerted, so teams can be sure the right person can take action immediately.

VMblog:  And what new features and capabilities will the integration provide to customers?

Solomon:  This integration enables users to take immediate action from alerts and so they can solve IT incidents quicker. For example, when an event is triggered within Zenoss, the incident will instantly notify PagerDuty, which will then alert the designated user about the incident. With alerts available to Zenoss users via email, phone, SMS and mobile push, users will reliably receive every alert wherever they are so immediate action can be taken. This all results in our customers being able to successfully resolve IT issues as quickly as possible to maintain ongoing operations, resource management and application hosting.

VMblog:  Why did you choose to integrate specifically with Zenoss?

Solomon:  Hundreds of our customers use Zenoss - it is a popular open source network, server and application monitoring system that helps with the challenges of complex IT services. Zenoss provides one of the best event management systems available in any open source monitoring system, so we realize the importance of continuing to integrate with it. One example of a customer that values the integration is Cascadeo Corporation, a provider of network and system engineering and IT services. The company uses PagerDuty and Zenoss to keep their network operations center (NOC) running efficiently.

VMblog:  Explain if you would, what is the value of integrating with third-party tools like Zenoss?

Solomon:  PagerDuty's integration with third party tools greatly simplifies alerting and escalating events. With our reliable alerting, flexible on-call team scheduling and incident tracking across multiple communication channels (email, phone, SMS and push notification), customers are able to take immediate action and solve incidents quickly, wherever they are. In addition to Zenoss, we integrate with IT monitoring tools including Splunk, New Relic, Pingdom, Nagios and more. We centralize the alerts from these monitoring tools so sysadmins and devops teams get faster and reliable alerts.

VMblog:  Tell us about the things you have seen in the IT monitoring and alerting market, and talk about the industry trends you see emerging.

Solomon:  Aside from IT departments wanting fast, reliable and accurate alerts, the ability to customize those alerts and designate more ownership for each incident is of upmost importance in the industry today. Additionally, mobility is an important trend that allows people to now get alerted easier in a variety of channels, wherever they are. We at PagerDuty take these trends seriously and are delivering functionality based on these trends to our customers, which is why we are the leading IT incident tracking and on-call management system.


Thank you to Alex Solomon, co-founder and CEO of PagerDuty, for speaking with

Published Wednesday, October 02, 2013 7:16 AM by David Marshall
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<October 2013>