Virtualization Technology News and Information
Jamcracker 2014 Predictions – The Year of Agility in Enterprise IT

VMblog 2014 Prediction Series

Virtualization and Cloud executives share their predictions for 2014.  Read them in this series exclusive.

Contributed article by Steve Crawford, VP of marketing and business development at Jamcracker

2014 Predictions – The Year of Agility in Enterprise IT

We've seen a lot of companies adopting cloud services in 2013, but as this adoption continues, there is a need for companies to transition their business model to improve service efficiency and capitalize on its benefits. In 2014, I predict we will see the following transformations within cloud services and enterprises:

Opening APIs to developers

As organizations adopt the cloud services marketplace model, we expect to see companies increasingly open APIs to developers. Application developers can leverage these APIs to create services quickly and will enable organizations to tap into external resources in order to drive innovation. Companies will publish APIs as a way to create customer differentiation, new channels of distribution and revenue streams with faster time-to-market for new applications.  It will also allow them to become more agile, quickly meeting customers' growing demands.

Supporting developers throughout the application lifecycle process

Publishing APIs means that organizations will have to interact with a number of third-party developers, and it will become important to support those developers through the application development and delivery lifecycle process. The easier it is for developers to publish and monetize applications, the more applications will be developed. Additionally, it will also help expand the developer community, which translates to a wider variety of applications for customers to purchase. By streamlining and automating the "develop, deploy and distribute" lifecycle, developers can quickly create applications, and publish them onto catalogs for end users to purchase. This will help organizations drive a differentiated experience for their customers by enabling a rich catalog of services.

Transitioning to ITaaS

IT is moving further away from traditional roles because of the shift to the cloud, and now they have the opportunity to empower businesses rather than just align the technology practices. By adopting the IT as a Service (ITaaS) operational model, IT can act as an agile service provider and focus on meeting the needs for different lines of business (LOB) in the enterprise. In order to do so,they will need to shift their focus from projects to products, which will help them create more value for the organization. This transition will become crucial over time, as the traditional roles of IT begin to fade away with changes in architecture and software development lifecycles.

Agility will drive 2014 as we adopt new roles and set up relationships with third-party developers. As the cloud services industry grows, it will no longer be a question of how to deliver but instead, how to enable the entire ecosystem to be innovative and offer a wider variety of products to customers.


About the Author

Steve iscurrently VP of marketing and business development at Jamcracker. Prior to this, he was formerly CMO and VP of Corporate Development for PKWARE, where he repositioned the company as a cross-platform data security provider, resulting in 10X revenue growth over 3 years. He was previously with VeriSign during its growth from pre-IPO to over $2B in revenues, where he led strategic alliances, launched its enterprise solutions product-line, and grew its service provider business to over $200M.  Steve previously led marketing and business development at Octel (acquired by Lucent) and R&D programs at Lockheed Martin.
Published Friday, December 13, 2013 7:06 AM by David Marshall
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<December 2013>