Virtualization Technology News and Information
Webinar: Best Practices for Smarter Virtualization Management with @vmturbo

Check out this live, upcoming Webinar to learn best practices for virtualization management and hear how Everbank leverages VMTurbo to reduce CAPEX and OPEX while still driving innovation.  Following the Webinar, one lucky attendee will win either a Star Wars X-Wing or Millennium Falcon LEGO.


Hear from Roger Bowen, Everbank's Manager of IT Data Center Operations, who manages Everbank's 1500+ VMs to provide a platform for such innovation.  Learn directly from Everbank's experience about the ways VMTurbo was able to help them overcome specific challenges, and recommendations for best practices in smarter virtualization management.

WHEN? Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 9 am PDT / Noon EDT / 5 pm GMT

Join and learn:

  • The specific technology challenges due to increased complexity driven by rapid business growth
  • The specific challenges with traditional monitoring tools in a dynamic, growing environment
  • The performance challenges Everbank faced with virtualization
  • How Everbank uses VMTurbo to better protect IT Operations from performance issues, and maintain a healthy state of green
  • How Everbank uses VMTurbo to become more efficient, reducing CapEx and OpEx costs 
  • How Everbank uses VMTurbo to prove N+1 Compliance with cluster projection, consumption, simulation, and other metrics
  • Best practices and a demo of how VMTurbo helped Everbank get to a healthy state of green and manages virtualized environments more intelligently

If you are a CIO, Operations Manager or system administrator facing the challenges of virtualization, you should mark April 30, 2014 at Noon EDT / 9am PDT on your calendar to attend this informative webinar.

Click here to register.

Published Sunday, April 20, 2014 4:47 PM by David Marshall
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<April 2014>