Virtualization Technology News and Information
Webinar: What's New in Unitrends Virtual Backup 8.0

Ready to find out what's new in Unitrends Virtual Backup 8.0?

Virtual backup has never been more popular. However as these solutions mature, concerns abound in affordability and simplicity. What began as affordable and simple solutions for virtualization administrators to protect their VMs has evolved into a bloat-ware laden plethora of features that are not only overly complex, but far too expensive to purchase and manage. Unitrends believes a revolution is needed and they began building that revolution over 18 months ago. With the introduction of Unitrends Virtual Backup 8.0 (the next generation of PHD Virtual Backup), they're taking virtual backup back to its roots - sophisticated yet simple and affordable.

When?  Wednesday, May 21, 2014 @ 11:00AM EDT

Register and learn about PHD Virtual backup and guaranteed recovery solutions that can make your life easier, more productive and more affordable.

Webinars designated as PHD Power Ups are fast paced 30 minute webinars that deliver an abundance of information in a short period of time through demos and visuals. PHD Power Ups are not your average virtualization webinar. Make sure to log in on time. If you miss a minute you’ll miss a lot!

Click here to register

Published Monday, May 19, 2014 6:41 AM by David Marshall
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<May 2014>