Virtualization Technology News and Information
OmniTI 2015 Prediction: Docker Virtualization to Become Mainstream


Virtualization and Cloud executives share their predictions for 2015.  Read them in this series exclusive.

Contributed article by Robert Treat, CEO of OmniTI

Docker Virtualization to Become Mainstream

With the advent of tools like Docker, 2014 was the year Linux found containers. While other operating systems, like Illumos and BSD, have had solid container support for years, Docker flipped this on its head, targeting the Linux platform and going after developers, which has created a significant buzz in the community. While this has been good for early adopters, more traditional shops and enterprise users have yet to get much benefit out of this trend. 2015 will be the year that this lightweight virtualization goes mainstream.

For starters, expect to see product companies add additional support for containers, and expect enterprises to try to incorporate containers into their systems as well. Many upstart vendors have already begun incorporating Docker compatibility into their products, and cloud providers are getting on the bandwagon as well; even Microsoft has announced plans to support Docker inside its Azure cloud service. When Microsoft starts offing support for Linux based technology, you know there are going to be a lot of other companies following the lead.

What remains is for enterprise and other companies that are currently running their own services to figure out how to incorporate these changes. Some companies will turn to alternative operating systems, like the aforementioned Illumos or BSD, which have had strong container solutions for several years. One of the drivers for that will be security; Linux based containers (specifically Docker) are not secure enough for multi-tenancy deployments, and it will be some time before that can be fixed and that those fixes will mature, so people who want containers now but need security will have to look elsewhere.

Of course switching costs are high, and as they say "Linux is the new Windows", so expect most companies to wait for improved Linux container support to come to them. Have no doubt though, by the end of  2015 CTOs and CIOs will be pressed to answer what their strategy for taking advantage of lightweight virtualization is going to be.


About the Author

Robert Treat is CEO of OmniTI, a provider of web infrastructures and applications for companies that require scalable, high-performance, mission critical solutions. Robert is an experienced open source developer and advocate, using his skills to implement web sites and web-based applications for over decade. He is an international speaker on databases, open source, and managing operations at scale. He has worked on numerous open source projects over the years, and has been recognized as a Major Contributor to Postgres for his work.

Published Wednesday, November 19, 2014 6:32 AM by David Marshall
@VMblog - (Author's Link) - February 10, 2015 6:59 AM

Once again, how great is it to be a part of the virtualization and cloud industries? 2014 was another banner year, and we witnessed a number of fantastic technologies take shape and skyrocket. And I, along with many industry experts and executives, media

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<November 2014>