Virtualization Technology News and Information
Earn $50 and Win an iPad - Take the Unifyle 60-Minute Challenge


Can you improve your company's productivity in less than 60 minutes? 

Accept and take this challenge from Unifyle to earn $50 and a chance to win an iPad!


Are your employees as productive as they can be?  Or are they still working around your systems to access the files they need?  Have you wondered how to enable and support your users' preferred way of working with distributed files rather than fight it?

Then step up, accept and take the Unifyle 60-Minute Challenge to do all of this:

  • Add DropBox-like functionality to all of your file shares and data storage services.
  • Enhance BYOD and mobility initiatives with drag-and-drop ease across multiple file shares.
  • Give your employees global search to find documents across all file services.
  • Enable user-controlled synchronization for seamless PC access to active files.

And this is just the beginning...

Click here to find out more about the 60-Minute Challenge and the value Unifyle can bring to your organization.


Published Thursday, January 29, 2015 6:31 AM by David Marshall
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<January 2015>