Virtualization Technology News and Information
Free eBook: Microsoft System Center Deploying Hyper-V with Software-Defined Storage and Networking

Microsoft Press is hard at work pushing out free eBooks to educate its users.  Over the last year or so, Microsoft has been delivering a lot of material to bring people up to speed quickly on their technologies.  And now, they are back with yet another free eBook, this one titled, Microsoft System Center Deploying Hyper-V with Software-Defined Storage & Networking, a 236 page guide by Mitch Tulloch, series editor. 

The ebook covers a variety of aspects that make up the foundation of the software-defined datacenter: virtualization, storage, and networking.  By the end, you will have a fully operational, small-scale configuration that will enable you to proceed with evaluation of your own key workloads, experiment with additional features and capabilities, and continue to build your knowledge. 

The book contains the following sections:

  • Design and Planning
  • Deploying the management cluster
  • Configuring network infrastructure
  • Configuring storage infrastructure
  • Configuring compute infrastructure
  • Configuring network virtualization

The eBook is available for download in PDF, EPUB File, and Mobi for Kindle.

Published Wednesday, March 18, 2015 6:21 PM by David Marshall
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<March 2015>