Dispersive Technologies, Inc. (www.dispersivetechnologies.com),
a leading innovator in software-defined solutions for IP-based
networks, announces Dispersive SDS, a new software-defined storage
platform that radically improves the security of data-at-rest.
The announcement was made at the RSA Conference in San Francisco.
Dispersive SDS works seamlessly with Dispersive Virtualized Networks, Dispersive Technologies' software-defined virtualized routing platform that delivers the speed, security and reliability needed for mission critical communications over standards-based IP networks. Together, they power Dispersive Technologies' solutions to protect data-at-rest and data-in-motion.
Dispersive SDS secures data-at-rest by:
- Dividing data into blocks as small as one kilobyte
- Sending each block to different storage devices selected from a geographically disparate and virtualized pool of available devices
- Shuffling the locations of these blocks dynamically based on:
- Access frequency
- Bandwidth availability
- I/O performance
- Time stored
- Other factors important to the customer
- Reassembling the data at the client when queried or recalled
"We've seen time and time again that merely encrypting stored data inadequately protects it against hacking," said Robert W. Twitchell, Jr., President and CEO of Dispersive Technologies. "Unlike other approaches to data security, we're actually designing solutions to protect against today's cyber threats, not yesterday's – and we're doing it completely in software. This means you can store these disparate blocks using any combination of commodity storage devices, including flash drives, flash memory, hard disk drives and networked file servers, across any combination of geographic locations. Dispersive SDS introduces a whole new complexity axis to the hacker's collection problem, one that means even if a hacker breaches your first level of defense, the compromised data is only a piece of the puzzle. Without the other pieces, the data is useless."
By dividing data into smaller blocks, spreading these blocks across a
virtualized pool of available storage devices and then dynamically
shuffling the location of these blocks, Dispersive Technologies takes
data security to a whole new level; offering a holistic security
approach that protects both parts of the data equation.
really doesn't do much good to protect stored data if a
man-in-the-middle can eavesdrop and capture it during transmission,"
notes Twitchell. "We protect data-in-motion with Dispersive Virtualize
Networks and data-at-rest with Dispersive SDS. The combined solution is
one with a significantly lower probability of data intercept and a
minimized risk of information theft."
Dispersive Storage, the
company's first solution based on the Dispersive SDS platform, will be
available in the U.S. market as a cloud-hosted data storage solution in
late 2015.
Dispersive Technologies will be exhibiting at the 2015 RSA Conference www.rsaconference.com April 20-24
at Booth 2720 in the South Exhibit Hall. For more information about
Dispersive Technologies and their innovative solutions, visit www.dispersivetechnologies.com.