Virtualization Technology News and Information
Liquidware Labs on Tour with Nutanix

Ahhh....the open road.

There really is nothing like getting out of the office and meeting face to face with with great partners, new and old peers, and of course customers.  Being a small company - when the opportunity arose to join hyper-converged superstar Nutanix on its .Next 100 City Tour - we jumped as high as we could ;) We will be at a select number of cities - and can't wait to meet YOU.

We are all at such an awesome "event horizon" these days with the technologies available to fundamentally change how we deliver workspaces to end users. New devices, new services, new clouds, new infrastructure, new hypervisors, new storage options, new operating systems, application delivery models - and of course - Windows10TM.

And I say this in a positive way. Never before have the options presented to the modern administrator been more powerful, and perhaps, more daunting. The chance to come to one of 100 Cities to see Nutanix share both their technology and their vision for "invisible" infrastructure is nearly mandatory. We have reached a tipping point I believe - after 22 years in this space - where our human ability to plan, architect, deploy, and manage this "stuff" might be better left in the hands of software. And that's an OK thing. Let the software replicate, cache, restore, migrate, manage, burst for us - we have businesses to run.

Read the entire article here, Liquidware Labs on Tour with Nutanix

Published Tuesday, August 11, 2015 6:40 AM by David Marshall
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<August 2015>