Virtualization Technology News and Information
Latest SolarWinds #StarWars Thwack Mission - IT is Your Destiny

Just in time for the big premiere of Star Wars next month, the team at SolarWinds has launched a new campaign that takes the spirit of the Star Wars universe and translates it into the difficult journey that an IT administrator might face when dealing with their infrastructures without the right tools at hand.

Are you ready?  Remember.  Do. Or do not. There is no try with this mission. Jump to it and get one of these awesome T-Shirts!

“These aren’t the OIDs you’re looking for”

“Help me SysAdmin, you’re my only hope.”

“I find your lack of backups disturbing.”

“Log Data: You will never find a more wretched hive of faults and dialogs”


As a Star Wars geek, I find this latest SolarWinds Thwack mission to be... Impressive. Most impressive.

1. Choose your path to begin:  Network, Systems, Database or Security

2. Download and install the free trial (30 day full version)

3. Upload a screenshot of your environment here

4. Repeat to collect more shirts

Click here to begin your journey.



Published Tuesday, November 24, 2015 3:45 PM by David Marshall
Filed under: ,
Disclosure, TFD10 Edition - eigenmagic - (Author's Link) - February 21, 2016 9:43 AM
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<November 2015>