Virtualization Technology News and Information
AppZero 2016 Predictions: Application Migration Containers Will Liberate Existing Applications

Virtualization and Cloud executives share their predictions for 2016.  Read them in this 8th Annual series exclusive.

Contributed by Greg O’Connor, CEO, AppZero

Application Migration Containers Will Liberate Existing Applications

The relentless doubling of compute horsepower every 18 - 24 months known as Moore's Law is one of the trends that has shaped the IT industry. Machine virtualization and cloud computing have combined to reduce the time it takes to create a new machine harnessing that computing power to nearly zero. These mammoth forces plus a bit of application developer productivity have resulted in an explosion in the number of machines running applications over the past decade.

As companies try to deal with this issue of application "sprawl," a new trend - containers - has arrived and is likely the technology that will deliver a key capability for application portability.

The benefits of staying current and adopting the latest foundational technologies are undeniable. Faster compute, low-cost network and storage, reductions in time to market, agility - technical and business- is a powerful amalgamation of trends that lays the groundwork for a competitive advantage for many businesses.

The Growing Old Challenge

"Growing old is like being increasingly penalized for a crime you haven't committed. "

--  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

When trying to stay current with new technology, the application is the complicated part; once installed, it injects its components into the nooks and crannies of the Operating System, making it extremely difficult to move. As the application ages it is stuck running on an older OS and older supporting infrastructure. In a few years the shiny new application exploiting the latest advances in infrastructure becomes out of date; an albatross and possibly a detriment to the business.

Aging Infrastructure in the Spotlight

In the summer of 2014, just 12 months before the End of Support (EOS) of Windows Server 2003, there were 23.8M machines still in production on that OS. In July 2015 when EOS arrived there were believed to be 15 million. Most of that 8 million in machine reduction was attributed to decommissioning and wholesale replacement of applications vs. migrating the applications to a supported OS (WS2008 or WS20012). In addition to running on an OS that was more than a decade old, an estimated 45% were still running on physical servers that were almost as old. Multiplying out a doubling in power every 2 years, these apps were executing in environments that were 5 times slower and 3-5 times more expensive than what is available today.

Aging Infrastructure Expands Exponentially

It becomes clear with time, that the combination of increased processing power, VM to server density, self-service cloud computing (with near instantaneous machine provisioning), and falling costs, causes an increase in the number of new server instances. Experts estimates that when Windows Sever 2008 nears EOS in 2019 there will be 57M or 2.5 times as many production machines running as was claimed the year before EOS for WS2003. A simple doubling puts the WS2012 population at well over 100M in 2024.


The above chart from the 2014 IDC study "The Cost of Retaining aging IT infrastructure" shows the dramatic increase in Logical Server Installed Base going from 25M in 2004 to 85M in 2013. If the trend continues at the same rate, there will be 456M Servers by 2024.  One could argue that the growth rate is increasing because of cloud adoption but even using the 10-year trend line results in an extremely large number of machines.


Containerization is the process of encapsulating an application in a package with its own operating environment. This provides the benefits of isolating the application and a micro OS for quicker starts or moving a self-contained application from one machine to another. The containerized application can be run on any suitable physical or virtual machine without any worries about dependencies. An isolation layer encapsulates and maintains the separation of application from OS and machine.

Migration Containers

Migration Containers are purpose-built containers that can extract existing applications already installed on an Operating System. Once an application is migrated into a container it can be moved to other machines. Advanced migration containers will allow for OS "up leveling" when extracted from an older OS and loaded onto a newer OS.  For example, an application could be moved from a Windows Server 2003 OS into a migration container and run on Windows Server 2012.  Once an application as been packaged into a migration container it is liberated from the underlying infrastructure and the aging predicament is solved.

The ability to decouple existing applications from the OS allows it to be completely portable. The new migration container can be moved within a datacenter, across geographic distances, moved onto or off of a cloud. In essence, the application can run anywhere the target OS is running.


It is clear that there has been a dramatic rise in the number of production machines due to Moore's Law, machine virtualization and cloud computing. The economic and competitive advantages of running a business on a current platform are clear. Once installed and in production, applications tend to be frozen in time and difficult to move. Containers begin to address the portability or mobility challenge of staying current.

Migration containers will provide datacenter transformation in the Windows world, enabling containerization of existing applications that can deliver the next level of agility to Windows infrastructure architects and administrators. They will allow existing applications to fast forward into the future and enable the business to keep its competitive edge.


About the Author 

Greg O'Connor, CEO AppZero

Pioneering the Virtual Application Appliance approach to simplifying application-lifecycle management, Greg O'Connor is responsible for translating AppZero's vision into strategic business objectives and financial results. O'Connor has over 25 years of management and technical experience in the computer industry.


Published Wednesday, December 02, 2015 6:32 AM by David Marshall
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<December 2015>