Virtualization and Cloud executives share their predictions for 2016. Read them in this 8th Annual VMblog.com series exclusive.
Contributed by George Teixeira, President and CEO, DataCore Software
Parallel Processing will Revolutionize IT Infrastructures, Virtualization and Enterprise Productivity in 2016
DataCore Software's predictions for 2016:
Parallel processing is a "game-changer"
Servers are the new storage
Parallel I/O and Software-Defined Storage are revolutionizing
IT infrastructures and productivity
Parallel Processing
is a "Game-Changer"
The greatest innovations of the future are often built on
those of the past. Flash back to the 1970's during the birth of the modern
microprocessor when along with the help of Moore's Law, microprocessors set the
stage for two major paths of technology advances. The first resulted in faster,
more efficient uniprocessors which led to the PC revolution and to the use of
microprocessors today in everything from smartphones to intelligent devices. The
second was parallel computing, which set out to harness the power of "many
microprocessors" working together.
However, parallel processing advances were stifled by a lack
of affordable commoditized parallel computing hardware, the rapid pace of
advances in uniprocessor clock speeds resulting from Moore's Law, and by the
lack of software to run parallel workloads without the need to rewrite
applications or require specialized / exotic gear. So although parallel
processing power became available, the parallel computing revolution as a
generic IT capability was put on hold because there was no software available
to make it happen.
Fast forward to today, and new breakthroughs in software are
on pace to make 2016 a turning point year for parallel computing. Application performance, enterprise workloads and the ability to achieve
greater consolidation densities on virtual platforms has been held back for
years by the growing gap between compute and I/O. Multicore processing has
evolved and has made parallel processing platforms a commodity that remains
untapped without software to do so. That too has changed.
Parallel I/O software can schedule I/O from virtualization
and application workloads effectively across today's readily available
multicore server platforms. It can and will overcome the I/O bottleneck
currently holding back the industry by harnessing the power of multicores to dramatically
increase productivity and reset what can be accomplished by consolidating more
workloads and reducing inefficient server sprawl. This will allow much greater
cost savings and productivity by taking consolidation to the next level and
allowing systems to truly "do far more with less." As a result, we're now on
the cusp of that promised parallel computing revolution.
In 2016, there will also be dramatic performance
and productivity gains that will transform hyper-converged and Software-Defined
Storage as the need grows for solutions that bring ease-of-use benefits
with technologies that can also be easily integrated within company
infrastructures for both existing investments and future technologies. Although
there has been much hype around hyper-converged lately, the technology creates
new silos to manage and the current offerings present several limitations,
especially when it comes to scaling and performance to handle enterprise-class
workloads. Users should be able to advance to the next stage of hyper-converged
technology deployments where performance and interoperability with the rest of
their investments aren't sacrificed.
Servers are the New Storage
Only a Software-Defined Storage layer combined with parallel
I/O software can effectively manage the power of multicore servers, migrate and
manage data across the entire storage infrastructure, incorporate flash and
hyper-converged systems without adding extra silos, and effectively utilize
data stored anywhere in the enterprise or in the cloud. By untapping the power
within standard multicore servers, data infrastructures will realize tremendous
consolidation and productivity benefits from parallel I/O technologies.
As this convergence of software and servers is realized,
servers will continue to become the dominant model for doing storage - "servers
are the new storage." Why use specialized gear when smart software and today's
servers can drive greater functionality, more automation and provide comprehensive
services to productively manage and store data across the entire data
infrastructure? Because traditional storage vendors with specialized systems
can no longer keep up with Moore's Law and the pace of innovations and cost
savings that generic server platforms deliver, these new server-based storage
systems have and will continue to transform our industry and significantly make
IT more productive.
Parallel I/O and
Software-Defined Storage are Revolutionizing IT Infrastructures and Productivity
Best of all, this revolution is happening right now. DataCore
recently set the new world record on price-performance and did it on a hyper-converged
platform (on the Storage Performance Council's peer reviewed SPC-1 benchmark).
DataCore also reported the best performance per footprint and the fastest
response times ever. Bottom-line, today's multicore servers and software can "do
far more with less" and dramatically change the economics
and productivity one can achieve. See for yourself the latest benchmark results:
10 SPC1 Price-Performance Results and feel free to learn more by checking
out the new DataCore ebook: How
to Unlock the Full Power of Your Servers with DataCore's Adaptive Parallel I/O
Parallel I/O software in combination with Software-Defined Storage
will lead to a new revolution in productivity - and together they will
revolutionize IT in 2016.
About the Author
Teixeira, President and CEO, DataCore Software
George Teixeira creates and executes the overall strategic
direction and vision for DataCore Software. Mr. Teixeira co-founded the company
and has served as CEO and president of DataCore Software since 1998. Prior to
that time, he served in a number of executive management positions including
worldwide vice president of marketing and general manager of the product
business group at Encore Computer Corporation, where he and his team that pioneered
storage virtualization culminated their work with the $185-million sale of
Encore's storage control business to Sun Microsystems in 1997. Mr. Teixeira
also held a number of senior executive management positions at the Computer
Systems Division of Gould Electronics.