Virtualization Technology News and Information
HyTrust Announces Encryption Key Management Support for VMware

Today, HyTrust Inc., a leading workload security provider, announced encryption and key management support for VMware vSphere VM Encryption, announced as part of VMware vSphere 6.5. This support through HyTrust DataControl provides organizations with a virtual machine encryption option using the VMware platform that allows them to encrypt workloads with HyTrust’s robust key management policies for their virtual machines.

HyTrust DataControl is a complete cloud and virtualization encryption solution that includes both encryption and key management and is available for Windows and Linux. With the addition of support for VMware vSphere VM Encryption, admins will be able to leverage DataControl’s powerful, policy-based key management capabilities to help secure their vSphere environments via the industry-leading Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) standard.

VMware is a longtime HyTrust partner and became a strategic investor in 2012. HyTrust first delivered security for VMware ESXi in 2009 with HyTrust CloudControl, winning both the security and overall best of show awards at VMworld 2009 and in 2015 announced HyTrust CloudControl for NSX, winning best of show for security and compliance at VMworld 2015. To meet customer needs for data security, VMware has been a partner with HyTrust for years, reselling HyTrust DataControl to its vCloud Air, VSAN and vSphere customers. Through its long-standing partnership, HyTrust once again has added critical security capabilities to VMware infrastructure.

“Data security is a top concern across most organizations and we are seeing tremendous growth in HyTrust DataControl to enable VMware workload encryption,” said Eric Chiu, co-founder and president of HyTrust. “We are excited to expand our data encryption and key management solutions for VMware with new KMIP-based key management for VMware’s new vSphere VM encryption solution.”

Unfortunately today, data remains at risk in many organizations. A recent HyTrust Cloud Adoption survey found that 28% of organizations did not have encryption in place for cloud workloads. HyTrust’s newly added support takes encryption and key management one-step further. When used with VMware’s vSphere VM Encryption, HyTrust’s encryption key management for VMware will allow organizations to pursue a robust key management strategy that is aligned with their need to meet compliance and meet industry best practices for encryption policy management.

According to a new IDC report, worldwide spending in cyber-security is expected to reach $101.6 billion by 2020, which underscores the need and importance of having a strong security and encryption strategy in place. For organizations looking to adopt multi-cloud data encryption across their private and public cloud infrastructure, HyTrust DataControl not only provides the critical key management required but also provides data encryption that supports VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture and other multi-cloud deployments. It protects portable workloads that may move across different vSphere installations and also span multi-vendor private and public cloud infrastructure. With its zero downtime encryption, DataControl eases operational disruptions that often arise from initial encryption or subsequent rekeying operations, the latter not only a best practice but also often required to meet regulatory mandates.

Published Tuesday, October 18, 2016 2:35 PM by David Marshall
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<October 2016>