Is March Madness permeating your life right now? Has NCAA basketball taken over the conversation at work? Whether a fan or not, it is definitely hard to escape this time of year.
Don't believe me? Based on a conservative estimate, 23.7 million US employees will use
company time to research, construct and check their NCAA basketball
tournament brackets this year. And US employers stand to lose $615 million
per hour in wages to distracted workers, according to calculations by
Challenger, Gray & Christmas, an outplacement firm. If applied to
high-end estimates that 81.5 million workers will spend at least an hour
on their brackets, employer losses could rise to as much as $2.1 billion.
Oh yeah, another fun fact. The likelihood all of your selections would end up being correct is slim, with calculations running from about 1 in 9 Quintilian to the better-by-comparison 1 in 128 billion. So if you are in that number, don't worry if your bracket isn't perfect. You have a better chance of being eaten by a shark after you were struck by lightning.
We also know that all of that March Madness bracket checking, watching the game, etc. while at work will cause an extra amount of stress on your company's IT infrastructure. But IT system stress throughout the year will also come from a number of other events like a major weather event, Cyber Monday shopping, a malware outbreak, or some other world-wide catastrophic event. The point is, every
business has times when its IT infrastructure is going to be stressed and tested
for its resiliency.
And the team at Zenoss wants to hear how you survive those monitoring madness events. Share your story of the resilience of your IT services
during a high-pressure time on your network, and you'll be entered to win two tickets to the NCAA Final Four in Phoenix April 1-3. And that's not all. You'll also be given spending money to cover your airfare and hotel costs!
How to Enter
Let Zenoss know how you have been innovative in ensuring your IT
service health. Have you automated workflows and processes through ITOM
integrations that have contributed to your service uptime? Simply fill
out the survey by March 24 to complete your submission.
It's just that easy. Go get your game face on and take your shot.