Virtualization Technology News and Information
Top vBlog 2017 - Voting Now Open for Your Favorite Virtualization Blogs


It's that time of year again when Eric Siebert from kicks off his annual virtualization "Top vBlog voting" event.  Every year, the list changes as new entries into the blogosphere join and others depart for one reason or another.  But one thing remains, the virtualization community that was built so many years ago is still thriving and it is as strong as ever.  Case in point, there are almost 300 active blogs identified in the voting pool this year.  And yours truly, VMblog (or VM Blog (David Marshall) as it is listed on vsphere-land) is proud to be one of those blogs.  We've been here since the beginning, as one of the very first virtualization blogs to hit the scene back in 2004. 

This event gives you, the readers, an opportunity to show your support and appreciation for all the hours that each of these bloggers put in day in and day out; and it allows you to vote for your favorite sites or cast of characters from across the globe.

Voting is simple, although with so many blogs to choose from, the time consuming side of voting is searching through the list to find your favorites. 

So how does it work? You start out by selecting 12 of your favorite blogs and then you stack rank them in your order of preference.  The results will be weighted with your #1 ranked site getting the most points, 12, and the #12 ranked site would get 1 point.  Point totals will be tabulated and from them the top 50 will be determined.

If VMblog has helped you along the way in your daily Virtualization journey, I would of course be grateful for your vote.  As will any of the other 300 blogs and bloggers listed.   

In addition to finding out the Top 50 blogs, Eric has also added a few other categories to highlight and consider:

  • Favorite Female Blogger
  • Favorite Non-English Blog
  • Favorite Scripting Blog
  • Favorite Storage Blog
  • Favorite New Blog
  • Favorite Podcast
  • Favorite News/Information Website
  • Favorite Independent Blogger

VMblog is excited to also be entered into the Favorite Independent Blogger and Favorite News/Information Website categories as well.  You can find VMblog listed as "VM Blog (David Marshall)"

Ready to do your community service?  Go vote!


A special thanks to Eric for his efforts to make this happen, as always.  And a special thank you to the good folks at Turbonomic for sponsoring the event again this year -- that team always does a great job at supporting the virtualization community at large! 

Published Friday, June 02, 2017 10:01 AM by David Marshall
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<June 2017>