Virtualization Technology News and Information
Cirba Extends Real-Time Optimization Capabilities in, Its Market Leading Hybrid Cloud Analytics Service

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Cirba Inc. has extended the real-time optimization capabilities in, its hybrid cloud analytics service. These new capabilities track utilization levels and trigger resource increases in real-time, enabling organizations to avoid performance issues associated with compute resource shortfalls. is the only solution offering both real-time response and predictive analysis that proactively optimizes cloud and virtual infrastructure to avoid shortfalls and performance issues in the first place, while simultaneously increasing efficiency. offers the most comprehensive solution for automating cloud and infrastructure optimization. Its new real-time capabilities provide intelligent, automated response, enabling:

  • Hot-adds in response to CPU and memory resource allocation shortfalls; and,
  • Scheduling of resource reclamation and right-sizing when real-time changes to allocations are not suitable due to policy and operational constraints.

These capabilities add to existing real-time automated optimization capabilities, including:

  • Intelligent, real-time VM rebalancing through synchronization of Densify's predictive analysis models and integration to VMware®DRS; and,
  • Real-time analysis of new workload placement across on-prem and public cloud infrastructure, enabling automation of hybrid cloud provisioning workflows. provides organizations with the best of both worlds - automated proactive optimization and real-time response. Unlike competitive products in the market,'s predictive analytics engine looks at deep historical workload patterns to model what workloads will do in the future. This predictive analysis avoids resource shortfalls and workload contention by proactively optimizing workload placements and resource allocations. This results in fewer performance issues and significantly reduced operational volatility, allowing real-time response capabilities to act as a safety net for operational anomalies that cannot be predicted based on historical operational patterns.

"Our predictive analytics are very good at preventing problems before they occur, enabling our customers to be more proactive in the way they manage infrastructure," said Andrew Hillier, CTO and co-founder of Cirba. "Our new real-time capabilities extend this, and allow unusual or unpredictable workloads to be dealt with in real time, ensuring applications always get the resources they need."

Published Thursday, June 08, 2017 9:10 AM by David Marshall
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<June 2017>