ForgeRock, the leading platform provider of digital identity management solutions, announced general availability of the ForgeRock Service Broker 2.0 for Cloud Foundry and the launch of its Identity Microservices Early Access Program. The new service broker and identity microservices will be demonstrated at Cloud Foundry Summit Silicon Valley on June 13, 2017. The combined offering makes it easier than ever for enterprises to protect microservices across any cloud using a distributed, identity microservices architecture for local processing.
The ForgeRock Service Broker now supports Cloud Foundry's Route Services feature, which makes it easy to intercept application requests and redirect them to the ForgeRock Identity Platform for authentication and authorization checks. This enables enterprise customers using ForgeRock to easily protect Cloud Foundry applications and extend their reach by building digital identity relationships across all clouds. Additionally, the offering promotes DevOps by removing barriers for developers and enabling them to focus their resources on deploying new features and capabilities more quickly than before.
"At Pivotal we help large enterprises build competitive advantage through software with our unique development methodology and our cloud-native platform, Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Strong identity management is a requirement for many of our customers' applications, and ForgeRock's new Service Broker enables our customers to bring rich identity security services to all applications running on the Pivotal Cloud Foundry platform," said Joshua McKenty, VP of Global Ecosystem Engineering at Pivotal.
ForgeRock has also announced the Identity Microservices Early Access Program. ForgeRock's new identity microservices enable enterprises to co-locate identity services on each cloud to rapidly transact on behalf of the broader platform. This new distributed identity microservices architecture is standards-based and can eliminate the need for all identity transactions to phone home to a centralized service, thus enabling a model for supporting massive scale.
"With IoT adoption on the rise and a shift away from monolithic application development toward microservices, there is a critical need for a new identity architecture that takes scale to the next level," said Daniel Raskin, SVP of Product Management at ForgeRock. "This new Identity Microservices Architecture will allow enterprises to 'think global and act local' when it comes to identity by allowing our customers to distribute identity microservices across all clouds for handling local transactions on behalf of the broader platform."