Virtualization Technology News and Information
Introducing Box Drive, the Easiest Way to Work in the Cloud

Box, Inc., a leader in cloud content management, today announced Box Drive, a new desktop application that delivers secure access to all files stored in Box with the familiar feel of traditional network shared drives. With Box Drive, people benefit from all of the advanced capabilities of Box - including creating, editing, finding and sharing files - without ever leaving the comfort of their desktop. Available for Windows, MacOS and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), Box Drive is the easiest way for businesses and teams to instantly collaborate on content and kick start productivity.

"Box Drive combines infinite access to the cloud with an intuitive, natively integrated desktop experience that is familiar to hundreds of millions of people today in enterprises all over the world," said Aaron Levie, cofounder and CEO, Box. "Not only will Box Drive make collaborating on content easier than ever before, it also signals the beginning of the end for expensive network file shares. With Box Drive, enterprises can accelerate their move to the cloud, enhance security, and significantly reduce IT costs."

Improved Productivity and Collaboration

The future of work is working in the cloud; Box Drive makes moving to the cloud incredibly easy. Users are freed from the constraints of their local hard drives because they have instant access to all their files in the cloud and real-time collaboration is even more simple and intuitive.

Box Drive uses a familiar file finder interface that is natively integrated into Windows Explorer and Mac Finder so users simply click to open their Box Drive folder and gain instant access to all of their Box content. Working in Box Drive, when a user creates a new document, edits a PDF, or uploads a new video, for example, all changes are automatically saved back to Box and are instantly visible to team members, making everyone more productive and collaborative.

"Box Drive makes the switch to the cloud seamless and painless for businesses still fixated on traditional file shares," said Dan Dorato-Hankins of Vector Media. "With Box Drive, our users have increased Box usage over 50% and have infinitely increased team collaboration in our offices nationwide. Accessing company data is easier than ever, but with the security of a bank vault."

Replace Legacy Network File Shares and Simplify Administration

Working with files in Box Drive is similar to working with files in a network drive, making it easy for users to learn and adopt, while providing powerful features like external collaboration, search and version control. Because Box Drive makes it easier to adopt the cloud without changing the way people work, enterprises can join the 78% of Box customers who have already begun to retire expensive legacy infrastructure like network file shares that can require millions of dollars annually in hardware, software and maintenance costs. Box projects that customers across the real estate, healthcare and financial services industries have the potential to realize cost savings of $1.3M to as high as $6 million or more, over three years when retiring legacy infrastructure with Box.

Enterprise-Grade Security and Superior Protection for Businesses of Every Size

The benefits of moving to the cloud extend beyond enhanced productivity and cost savings to enterprise-grade security and compliance as well as reduced risk of data loss. By making it easier for people to adopt and work on important business information in the cloud, Box Drive reduces the risk of locally stored files being compromised when devices are lost or stolen. Furthermore, Box Drive users can benefit from all of Box's deep enterprise-grade security, international regulation guidelines, and data compliance capabilities, including HIPAA, FINRA, FedRAMP compliance, Binding Corporate Rules, and Box Governance.

"Successful cloud-storage deployments help organizations reduce infrastructure costs and enhance security and compliance around content, while at the same time providing employees the right content at the right time," said Alan Lepofsky of Constellation Research. "One of the latest trends in this space is on-demand streaming of files from the cloud to end-users only when the content is needed. This reduces the need to constantly synchronize files to local hard drives."

Box IT admins can also augment their security policies with Device Trust to ensure that only secure devices, such as those that are corporate managed or encrypted, can access Box.

Pricing and Availability

Box Drive is available today in public beta, and is free for all Box users. For more information on Box Drive, visit

Published Wednesday, June 14, 2017 9:28 AM by David Marshall
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<June 2017>