Virtualization Technology News and Information
VMware on How to Begin the Move to the Cloud


Chris Wolf, VMware's chief technology officer for global field and industry, regularly consults with companies adopting cloud technologies. "They ask me," he says, "‘How do I evolve a pragmatic cloud strategy? I can't flip a switch.'" And while there is no button to push to move to the cloud, Wolf recommends that companies get started preparing immediately by focusing on a few key considerations.

Will Workloads Need to Move?

One telling question companies can ask themselves is whether workloads will need to move.

"Executives should think comprehensively through their hybrid cloud strategy," Wolf says. "It can be quick and easy to sign up for a cloud service, but if you're not careful, you could wind up binding the company to a very specific and proprietary set of APIs that keeps it on that cloud. It's not that you can't switch, but sometimes the exit costs may outweigh the benefits."


Read the entire article from VMware, here: How to Begin the Move to the Cloud 

Published Wednesday, June 14, 2017 8:34 AM by David Marshall
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<June 2017>