Virtualization Technology News and Information
Revolutionary new AI event to launch in London - MACHINA Summit.AI

With discussion around artificial intelligence (AI) at an all-time high, MACHINA Summit.AI is a prestigious new AI, analytics and IoT event launching at IP EXPO Europe, and co-located with Cyber Security Europe, in London on the 4-5 October 2017 at ExCeL London.

MACHINA Summit.AI will bring together global visionaries, experts, leading businesses and revolutionary technology demonstrations. The two day show will enable attendees to explore how all artificial intelligence technologies, including machine learning, deep learning and cognitive computing, along with analytics and IoT, are starting to affect the enterprise now and how the future will belong to those who evolve with technology.

Without doubt the topics of artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics and IoT have been the hottest topics in technology over the past 12 months. But beyond the hype questions still exist on the real applications for these technologies. MACHINA Summit.AI will address these questions and more, with an extensive seminar and education program, alongside its technology exhibition area which features hands on demonstrations from companies at the forefront of AI evolution - a range of innovative vendors, from start-ups to global brands.

This unrivalled access to experts and technology, means data scientists, analysts, consultants, CTO's, IT directors and business leaders will be able to get a detailed and accurate overview of how these game changing new technologies can help evolve businesses into organisations of the future.

Bradley Maule-ffinch, EMEA Portfolio Director at MACHINA Summit.AI comments: "The inaugural MACHINA Summit.AI will be the first event to cut through the hype of AI and provide real and tangible insights into the impact of AI, analytics and IoT on enterprise business. By bringing together the world's leading thinkers on AI, IoT and analytics with the truly innovative companies who will deliver and implement its various applications, we will give attendees deeper insight into how their organisations can directly benefit from these technologies."

For further information and to register free for MACHINA Summit.AI 2017, please visit:

Published Thursday, June 15, 2017 8:44 AM by David Marshall
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<June 2017>