Virtualization Technology News and Information
Sinequa Adds Advanced AI Capabilities to Cognitive Search & Analytics Platform

Sinequa today announced the addition of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities to its platform. Image recognition, speech to text, natural language translation, video transcription from Google and IBM Watson Cloud AI Services are now available as capabilities from within the Sinequa Cognitive Search & Analytics Platform. These additions bolster related capabilities already in place with the existing integrations for Microsoft Azure Media Services for image and video treatment.

The new AI capabilities benefit from the enormous amount of text and images available on the Web, far beyond anything a single enterprise could have available internally. Sinequa customers can now easily translate text in a large number of languages, analyze and tag images and transcribe video conversations, enriching the Sinequa Logical Data Warehouse (LDW) with the results.

"The openness of our platform allows us to quickly and easily integrate best-in-class third party technologies like speech-to-text, image recognition or video treatment to offer a comprehensive end-to-end solution to our customers. Dealing with additional rich-media content enhances the knowledge accumulated within our platform, recognizing topics and concepts in text and images while establishing relationships between them," said Laurent Fanichet, vice president of marketing, Sinequa. "More importantly, we leave the choice to the customers to decide whether they want/need to extract value from large volumes of structured and unstructured data on-premise, or in the Cloud or both, which is quite unique."

"Images, audio and video data are an increasing share of data most organizations have to deal with. Having an open platform to add capabilities to handle these rich-media contents easily and effectively makes perfect sense for enterprise applications like Sinequa's Cognitive Search & Analytics Platform," said David Schubmehl, IDC Research Director for Cognitive/AI Systems. "Depending on the data types and its sensitivity, organizations in key information driven verticals require the flexibility to decide what data resides on-premise vs Cloud. The ability to ingest, understand, organize, and query digital content from multiple data sources whether on-premise or in the Cloud will be a key differentiator for enterprise solutions in general and Sinequa in particular."

For more information, visit:

Published Tuesday, June 27, 2017 4:17 PM by David Marshall
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<June 2017>