Tegile Systems, the leading provider of persistent-memory storage solutions for databases, virtualized and containerized environments, today announced availability of its next-generation release of its flagship IntelliFlash HD multi-tiered flash storage platform. The new IntelliFlash HD allows businesses to take advantage of Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe), without the risk or resources required by other storage vendors. The new series contains the highest density flash available on the market, provides full encryption, and can store 30 percent more petabytes of data for any application use case and every workload, at a fraction of the normal cost. It is powered by IntelliFlash OS 3.7, the newest iteration of Tegile's flash-optimized storage architecture.
According to Gartner, "A culmination of forces - represented by new nonvolatile memory and better software - are poised to alter the price/performance of next-generation compute and storage environments." Total worldwide data will reach
163 zettabytes by 2025 - 10 times the amount of data generated today. Driven by big data, mobile, and the data generated by the Internet of Things, enterprises are looking to consolidate both their structured and unstructured data from multiple applications while also delivering performance that increases productivity - without incurring exorbitant costs around equipment, rack space, power and cooling.
"The all-flash data center can finally be a reality." said George Crump, Chief Analyst at Storage Switzerland. "Ironically, the all-flash data center will need to leverage technology that we thought it would replace - a hybrid array. The big difference now is that the intelligence that used to manage flash to hard disk drives, now manages flash to flash."
IntelliFlash HD is ideal for medium and large enterprises that are looking to accelerate business applications, eliminate storage silos and pursue data center consolidation. Tegile's line of high density persistent memory systems deliver unparalleled price and performance at massive scale.
Notable benefits of Tegile's IntelliFlash HD include:
High Capacity Density: With up to 500TB of storage capacity in a single rack unit, the new IntelliFlash HD offers 2.5x more capacity, and 30 percent more density than its predecessor. The United Center, home of the Chicago Bulls and Blackhawks, store high performance SQL databases as well as unstructured data in the form of raw video files, and then edit video files in real-time to broadcast on screens around the stadium to 23,000 fans a game.
Faster Performance: Up to 3x performance for write-oriented, small block workloads, and 12.5 million IOPS in a single rack helps businesses create new possibilities for productivity. Tegile helps Cherry Health speed medical record access and see an additional 62,000 patients per year.
Data Reduction Efficiency at Scale: Financial Services firm International Decision Systems saw a 74 percent data reduction rate. This was such a significant improvement in their application performance and efficiency that they have experienced a material improvement in their bottom line.
Tegile Rolls Out IntelliFlash OS 3.7With this announcement, Tegile is also making its IntelliFlash OS 3.7 available to all customers. To help businesses run their applications at the speed of memory, IntelliFlash OS 3.7 incorporates new data management innovations such as:
- IO prioritization for predictable performance to disparate applications with varying workload profiles across multiple tiers of non-volatile storage media in a massively consolidated environment.
Rapid object cloning for large scale virtualized and container deployments.
Data access virtualization for rapid mobility of datasets between volumes, file systems and storage pools.
"Today's enterprises are at a crossroads. They can either take advantage of the growth in unstructured data to improve their business, or fall behind," said Narayan Venkat, CMO of Tegile. "Tegile's new IntelliFlash HD series is specifically built to help companies do better business - whether that means seeing more patients, increasing access to information or improving customer experience. We provide the best performance-to-economics ratio in the industry, and with our new innovations in data management, ensure that the benefits of NVMe can be realized."
Tegile's new IntelliFlash HD series is immediately available. For product and pricing details, visit tegile.com/intelliflashhd.